“State of the art in telepresence” Chaired by

  • ©Jason Lawrence, Ye Pan, Daniel (Dan) B. Goldman, Rachel McDonnell, Julie Robillard, Carol O'Sullivan, Yaser Sheikh, Michael Zollhoefer, and Jason Saragih


    1. Y. Pan and K. Mitchell. Improving VIP viewer gaze estimation and engagement using adaptive dynamic anamorphosis. International Journal of Human – Computer Studies, 2021
    2. Y. Pan and A. Steed. Effects of 3D Perspective on Gaze Estimation with a Multiview Autostereoscopic Display. International Journal of Human – Computer Studies, 2016
    3. Y. Pan and A. Steed. A gaze-preserving cylindrical multiview telepresence system. ACM CHI Human Factors in Computing Systems, Toronto, Canada, April 26-May 1, 2014
    4. Y. Pan, W. Steptoe and A. Steed. Comparing flat and spherical displays in a trust scenario in avatar-mediated interaction. ACM CHI Human Factors in Computing Systems, Toronto, Canada, April 26-May 1, 2014
    5. Y. Pan, R. Zhang, J. Wang, N. Chen, Y. Qiu, Y. Ding, K. Mitchell. MienCap: Performance-Based Facial Animation with Live Mood Dynamics. IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2022
    6. Jeremy N Bailenson, Jim Blascovich, Andrew C Beall, and Jack M Loomis. 2003. Interpersonal distance in immersive virtual environments. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 29, 7 (2003), 819–833.
    7. Jeremy N Bailenson, Kimberly R Swinth, Crystal L Hoyt, Susan Persky, Alex Dimov, and Jim Blascovich. 2005. The independent and interactive effects of embodied-agent appearance and behavior on self-report, cognitive, and behavioral markers of copresence in immersive virtual environments. Presence 14, 4 (2005), 379–393.
    8. Christoph Bartneck, Dana Kulić, Elizabeth Croft, and Susana Zoghbi. 2009. Measurement instruments for the anthropomorphism, animacy, likeability, perceived intelligence, and perceived safety of robots. International journal of social robotics 1, 1 (2009), 71–81.
    9. Lauren Buck and Rachel McDonnell. 2022. Security and Privacy in the Metaverse: The Threat of the Digital Human.
    10. Tyler J. Burleigh, Jordan R. Schoenherr, and Guy L. Lacroix. 2013. Does the Uncanny Valley exist? An empirical test of the relationship between eeriness and the human likeness of digitally created faces. Computers in Human Behavior 29, 3 (2013), 759–771.
    11. Ylva Ferstl, Elena Kokkinara, and Rachel McDonnell. 2017. Facial Features of Non-player Creatures Can Influence Moral Decisions in Video Games. ACM Transaction on Applied Perception 15, 1, Article 4 (2017), 12 pages. 
    12. Ylva Ferstl and Rachel McDonnell. 2018. A Perceptual Study on the Manipulation of Facial Features for Trait Portrayal in Virtual Agents. In Proc. of Int. Conf. on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA). 281–288. 
    13. Ylva Ferstl, Michael McKay, and Rachel McDonnell. 2021. Facial Feature Manipulation for Trait Portrayal in Realistic and Cartoon-Rendered Characters. ACM Trans. Appl. Percept. 18, 4, Article 22 (oct 2021), 8 pages. 
    14. Rebecca Fribourg, Etienne Peillard, and Rachel McDonnell. 2021. Mirror, Mirror on My Phone: Investigating Dimensions of Self-Face Perception Induced by Augmented Reality Filters. In 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). 470–478. 
    15. Maia Garau, Mel Slater, Vinoba Vinayagamoorthy, Andrea Brogni, Anthony Steed, and M Angela Sasse. 2003. The impact of avatar realism and eye gaze control on perceived quality of communication in a shared immersive virtual environment. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 529–536.
    16. Shawn N. Geniole, Thomas F. Denson, Barnaby J. Dixson, Justin M. Carré, and Cheryl M. McCormick. 2015. Evidence from Meta-Analyses of the Facial Width-to-Height Ratio as an Evolved Cue of Threat. PloS one 10, 7 (2015), e0132726.
    17. Geoffrey Gorisse, Olivier Christmann, Samory Houzangbe, and Simon Richir. 2019. From Robot to Virtual Doppelganger: Impact of Visual Fidelity of Avatars Controlled in Third-Person Perspective on Embodiment and Behavior in Immersive Virtual Environments. Frontiers in Robotics and AI 6 (2019), 8. 
    18. Darragh Higgins, Donal Egan, Rebecca Fribourg, Benjamin Cowan, and Rachel McDonnell. 2021a. Ascending from the Valley: Can State-of-the-Art Photorealism Avoid the Uncanny?. In ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2021 (SAP ’21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 7, 5 pages. 
    19. Darragh Higgins, Rebecca Fribourg, and Rachel McDonnell. 2021b. Remotely Perceived: Investigating the Influence of Valence on Self-Perception and Social Experience for Dyadic Video-Conferencing With Personalized Avatars. Frontiers in Virtual Reality 2 (2021). 
    20. Chin-Chang Ho and Karl F. MacDorman. 2010. Revisiting the Uncanny Valley theory: Developing and validating an alternative to the Godspeed indices. Computers in Human Behavior 26, 6 (2010), 1508–1518.
    21. Elena Kokkinara and Rachel McDonnell. 2015. Animation realism affects perceived character appeal of a self-virtual face. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games. Acm, 221–226.
    22. Fang Ma and Xueni Pan. 2022. Visual Fidelity Effects on Expressive Self-avatar in Virtual Reality: First Impressions Matter. In 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR). 57–65. 
    23. Karl F. MacDorman, Robert D. Green, Chin-Chang Ho, and Clinton T. Koch. 2009. Too real for comfort? Uncanny responses to computer generated faces. Computers in Human Behavior 25, 3 (2009), 695–710.
    24. Antonella Maselli and Mel Slater. 2013. The building blocks of the full body ownership illusion. Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 83 (2013).
    25. Rachel McDonnell, Martin Breidt, and Heinrich H. Bülthoff. 2012. Render me real? Investigating the effect of render style on the perception of animated virtual humans. ACM Transaction on Graphics 31, 4 (2012), 91:1–91:11.
    26. Masahiro Mori, Karl F. MacDorman, and Norri Kageki. 2012. The Uncanny Valley [From the field]. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine 19, 2 (2012), 98–100.
    27. Kristin Nowak. 2001. The influence of anthropomorphism on social judgment in social virtual environments. In Annual Convention of the International Communication Association, Washington, DC.
    28. Soo Oh, Jeremy Bailenson, Nicole Krämer, and Benjamin Li. 2016. Let the Avatar Brighten Your Smile: Effects of Enhancing Facial Expressions in Virtual Environments. PLOS ONE 11 (09 2016), e0161794. 
    29. Ayse P. Saygin, Thierry Chaminade, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Jon Driver, and Chris Frith. 2012. The thing that should not be: Predictive coding and the Uncanny Valley in perceiving human and humanoid robot actions. Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience 7, 4 (2012), 413–422.
    30. Jun’ichiro Seyama and Ruth S. Nagayama. 2007. The Uncanny Valley: Effect of Realism on the Impression of Artificial Human Faces. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 16, 4 (2007), 337–351.
    31. Mel Slater, Daniel Pérez Marcos, Henrik Ehrsson, and Maria V Sanchez-Vives. 2009. Inducing illusory ownership of a virtual body. Frontiers in neuroscience 3 (2009), 29.
    32. booktitle=Scientific American Theodore Kim. 2020. The Racist Legacy of Computer-Generated Humans. https://doi.org/3thBeye
    33. Pisut Wisessing, John Dingliana, and Rachel McDonnell. 2016. Perception of Lighting and Shading for Animated Virtual Characters. In Proc. of ACM Symp. of Applied Perception (SAP). 25–29.
    34. Pisut Wisessing, Katja Zibrek, Douglas W. Cunningham, John Dingliana, and Rachel McDonnell. 2020. Enlighten Me: Importance of Brightness and Shadow for Character Emotion and Appeal. ACM Trans. Graph. 39, 3, Article 19 (April 2020), 12 pages. 
    35. Nick Yee, Jeremy N Bailenson, and Kathryn Rickertsen. 2007. A Meta-analysis of the Impact of the Inclusion and Realism of Human-like Faces on User Experiences in Interfaces. In Proc. of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’07). 1–10. 
    36. Lesslie A. Zebrowitz, Luminita Voinescu, and Mary Ann Collins. 1996. “wideeyed” and “crooked-faced”: Determinants of perceived and real honesty across the life span. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 12, 12 (1996), 1258–1269.
    37. Eduard Zell, Carlos Aliaga, Adrian Jarabo, Katja Zibrek, Diego Gutierrez, Rachel McDonnell, and Mario Botsch. 2015. To Stylize or Not to Stylize?: The Effect of Shape and Material Stylization on the Perception of Computer-generated Faces. ACM Transactions on Graphics 34, 6, Article 184 (2015), 184:1–184:12 pages.
    38. Katja Zibrek, Elena Kokkinara, and Rachel McDonnell. 2018. The Effect of Realistic Appearance of Virtual Characters in Immersive Environments-Does the Character’s Personality Play a Role? IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 24, 4 (2018), 1681–1690.
    39. Katja Zibrek, Sean Martin, and Rachel McDonnell. 2019. Is Photorealism Important for Perception of Expressive Virtual Humans in Virtual Reality? ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 16, 3, Article 14 (sep 2019), 19 pages. 
    40. Katja Zibrek and Rachel McDonnell. 2019. Social Presence and Place Illusion Are Affected by Photorealism in Embodied VR. In Motion, Interaction and Games (MIG ’19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 13, 7 pages. 
    41. Kristoffersson, A., Coradeschi, S., & Loutfi, A. (2013). A Review of Mobile Robotic Telepresence [Review Article]. Advances in Human-Computer Interaction. 
    42. Robillard, J. M., Cleland, I., Hoey, J., & Nugent, C. (2018). Ethical adoption: A new imperative in the development of technology for dementia. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 14(9), 1104–1113. 
    43. Robillard, J. M., Goldman, I. P., Prescott, T. J., & Michaud, F. (2020). Addressing the Ethics of Telepresence Applications Through End-User Engagement. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease: JAD, 76(2), 457–460. 
    44. Robillard, J. M., & Hoey, J. (2018). Emotion and Motivation in Cognitive Assistive Technologies for Dementia. Computer, 51(3), 24–34. 
    45. Robillard, J. M., Lai, J.-A., Wu, J. M., Feng, T. L., & Hayden, S. (2018). Patient perspectives of the experience of a computerized cognitive assessment in a clinical setting. Alzheimer’s & Dementia (New York, N. Y.), 4, 297–303. 

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