“Special Session: Bloopers, Outtakes, and Horror Stories of SIGGRAPH” Moderated by John Lasseter and William (Bill) Reeves

  • ©Loren C. Carpenter, Eben Ostby, Michael Wahrman, James (Jim) F. Blinn, Craig Reynolds, Chris Wedge, Graham Walters, and Bill Kroyer



Entry Number: 11


    Special Session: Bloopers, Outtakes, and Horror Stories of SIGGRAPH



Additional Information:

    Transcript of the welcoming speech:
    REEVES: John and I got this idea at last year’s SIGGRAPH. You come to SIGGRAPH every year and go to the film show, and everything is so slick. It’s just great most of the time. But behind the scenes there’s a lot of effort, a lot of horror stories and a lot of bloopers. We thought we’d have a session about that.

    LASSETER: Over the past few years at Pixar, Bill, Eben and I have started saving some of our more ridiculous mistakes, such as when the rendering just doesn’t go quite right and the head is about the size of a pin. We started saving those thinking that some day we’d like to show them and so we’re able to show them here.

    We told AV this is about bloopers, so if they screw up, then it’s all part of the show. We left the form of this session open so that if Bill and I heard of some more silly things occurring in films that were made this year, we would add them. Since the panel was formed we’ve added two more speakers and I think you’ll really enjoy their stories.

    We’d like to start with our first speaker. Put your hands together for a big SIGGRAPH welcome for Mr. Loren Carpenter of Pixar.

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