“Real-time Cloth Simulation with Sparse Particles” by Oshita and Makinouchi

  • ©Masaki Oshita and Akifumi Makinouchi



Interest Area:



    Real-time Cloth Simulation with Sparse Particles

Session/Category Title:   Simulation



    In this sketch, a novel technique for real-time cloth simulation is presented. The method combines dynamic simulation and geometric techniques. Only a small number of particles (a few hundred) are controlled using dynamic simulation to simulate global cloth behaviors such as waving and bending. The cloth surface is then smoothed based on elastic forces applied to each particle and the distance between each pair of adjacent particles. Using this geometric smoothing, local cloth behaviors such as twists and wrinkles are efficiently simulated.


    1. Baraff, D. & Witkin, A. (1998). Large steps in cloth simulation. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 98, 43-54.
    2. Vlachos, A., Peters, J., Boyd, C., & Mitchell, J. (2001). Curved PN triangles. Proceedings of the 2001 ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics.

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