“Pseudo-3D Scene Modeling for Virtual Reality Using Stylized Novel View Synthesis” by Tseng, Huang, Chen, Chen and Hung

  • ©Kuan-Wei Tseng, Jing-Yuan Huang, Yang-Sheng Chen, Chu-Song Chen, and Yi-Ping Hung



Entry Number: 66


    Pseudo-3D Scene Modeling for Virtual Reality Using Stylized Novel View Synthesis



    Stylized Novel View Synthesis is an emerging technique that combines style transfer and view synthesis. However, none of the existing works explore their applications in Virtual Reality (VR). This work devises a novel application for stylized novel view synthesis. We propose to replace actual 3D scene models or 360 images with stylized stereoscopic images for the areas outside the major play area but are still visible to the user. User study results reveal that users can feel 3D sense and tell them from plane texture. Codes and other materials are available at: kuan-wei-tseng.github.io/ArtNV


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