“Production ready MPM simulations”

  • ©Gergely Klár, Jeffrey Budsberg, Matt Titus, Stephen Jones, and Ken Museth

  • ©Gergely Klár, Jeffrey Budsberg, Matt Titus, Stephen Jones, and Ken Museth



Entry Number: 42


    Production ready MPM simulations



    We present two complementary techniques for Material Point Method (MPM) based simulations to improve their performance and to allow for fine-grained artistic control. Our entirely GPU-based solver is able perform up to five times faster than its multithreaded CPU counterpart as a result of our novel particle and grid transfer algorithms. On top of this, we introduce Adaptive Particle Activation, that both makes it possible to simulate only a reduced number of particles, and to give artists means for fine direction over the simulation.


    G. Klár, T. Gast, A. Pradhana, C. Fu, Craig S., C. Jiang, and J. Teran. 2016. Drucker-prager Elastoplasticity for Sand Animation. ACM Trans. Graph. 35, 4, Article 103 (July 2016), 12 pages.
    K. Museth. 2013. VDB: High-resolution Sparse Volumes with Dynamic Topology. ACM Trans. Graph. 32, 3, Article 27 (July 2013), 22 pages.
    K. Museth, D. Bailey, J. Budsberg, J. Lynch, and A. Pearce. 2015. OpenVDB. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 Courses (SIGGRAPH ’15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 20.
    A. Stomakhin, C. Schroeder, L. Chai, J. Teran, and A. Selle. 2013. A Material Point Method for Snow Simulation. ACM Trans. Graph. 32, 4, Article 102 (July 2013), 10 pages.
    A. Stomakhin, C. Schroeder, C.Jiang, L. Chai, J. Teran, and A. Selle. 2014. Augmented MPM for Phase-change and Varied Materials. ACM Trans. Graph. 33, 4, Article 138 (July 2014), 11 pages



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