“Plenoptic modeling: an image-based rendering system” by McMillan and Bishop

  • ©Leonard McMillan and Gary Bishop




    Plenoptic modeling: an image-based rendering system



    Image-based rendering is a powerful new approach for generating real-time photorealistic computer graphics. It can provide convincing animations without an explicit geometric representation. We use the “plenoptic function” of Adelson and Bergen to provide a concise problem statement for image-based rendering paradigms, such as morphing and view interpolation. The plenoptic function is a parameterized function for describing everything that is visible from a given point in space. We present an image-based rendering system based on sampling, reconstructing, and resampling the plenoptic function. In addition, we introduce a novel visible surface algorithm and a geometric invariant for cylindrical projections that is equivalent to the epipolar constraint defined for planar projections.


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