“PhysPix: Instantaneous Rigid Body Simulation of Rasters” by Baričević, Schaffer and Kim

  • ©Domagoj Baričević, James Schaffer, and Theodore Kim

  • ©Domagoj Baričević, James Schaffer, and Theodore Kim

  • ©Domagoj Baričević, James Schaffer, and Theodore Kim



Entry Number: 81


    PhysPix: Instantaneous Rigid Body Simulation of Rasters



    Modern physics engines process collisions by leveraging vector representations (e.g. Box2D or Open Dynamics Engine (ODE)), which means that artists who work with pixel-based 2D content must map their pixel drawings onto representations such as Delaunay triangulations [Shewchuk 1996]. Effects such as destruction then require remeshing, which can be onerous to perform at runtime. The alternative is pixel-perfect collision handling, but past games such as Worms! and Scorched Earth that use this approach have not attempted true rigid body simulations. We present PhysPix, a 2D rigid body simulation framework based on pixels. PhysPix allows 1) artist control over the exact boundaries used for objects in the simulation, 2) natural bitmap-based support for destruction, and 3) an intuitive painting interface for properties such as non-uniform weight distributions.


    1. Shewchuk, J. R. 1996. Triangle: Engineering a 2d quality mesh generator and delaunay triangulator. In Applied computational geometry towards geometric engineering. Springer, 203–222.


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