“Passing Multi-Channel Material Textures to a 3-Channel Loss” by Chambon and Heitz

  • ©Thomas Chambon and Eric Heitz

  • ©Thomas Chambon and Eric Heitz

  • ©Thomas Chambon and Eric Heitz



Entry Number: 59


    Passing Multi-Channel Material Textures to a 3-Channel Loss



    Our objective is to compute a textural loss that can be used to train texture generators with multiple material channels typically used for physically based rendering such as albedo, normal, roughness, metalness, ambient occlusion, etc. Neural textural losses often build on top of the feature spaces of pretrained convolutional neural networks. Unfortunately, these pretrained models are only available for 3-channel RGB data and hence limit neural textural losses to this format. To overcome this limitation, we show that passing random triplets to a 3-channel loss provides a multi-channel loss that can be used to generate high-quality material textures.,


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    Karen Simonyan and Andrew Zisserman. 2015. Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition. In International Conference on Learning Representations. Dmitry Ulyanov, Vadim Lebedev, Andrea Vedaldi, and Victor Lempitsky. 2016. Texture Networks: Feed-Forward Synthesis of Textures and Stylized Images. In Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on International Conference on Machine Learning – Volume 48 (ICML’16). 1349–1357.

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©Thomas Chambon and Eric Heitz ©Thomas Chambon and Eric Heitz ©Thomas Chambon and Eric Heitz ©Thomas Chambon and Eric Heitz ©Thomas Chambon and Eric Heitz


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