“Numerical Methods for Linear Complementarity Problems in Physics-Based Animation” by Erleben

  • ©Kenny Erleben



Entry Number: 08


    Numerical Methods for Linear Complementarity Problems in Physics-Based Animation

Course Organizer(s):



    In physics-based animation linear complementarity problems (LCPs) have  historically been used as models of contact forces between rigid bodies. Recently LCPs are being deployed for other types of animation like deformable  models, fluids, and granular material. Thus, LCPs are becoming a general important fundamental model. Hence, there is a real need for providing the numerical foundation for solving LCPs with numerical methods that are suitable for computer graphics. This is the void that these course notes tries to fill out – providing a toolbox of solutions for people in physics-based animation. The contribution of these notes is twofold. First, we explain the nature of LCPs and discuss the properties of the LCPs encountered in physics-based animation. Second, we present a range of numerical methods for solving the LCPs. To help make our results available to others we  supplement our course notes with Matlab implementations of all iterative methods discussed.  

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