“Multifrequency Time of Flight in the Context of Transient Renderings” by Bhandari, Kadambi, Whyte, Streeter, Barsi, et al. …

  • ©Ayush Bhandari, Achuta Kadambi, Refael Whyte, Lee Streeter, Christopher Barsi, Adrian Dorrington, and Ramesh Raskar

  • ©Ayush Bhandari, Achuta Kadambi, Refael Whyte, Lee Streeter, Christopher Barsi, Adrian Dorrington, and Ramesh Raskar



Entry Number: 72


    Multifrequency Time of Flight in the Context of Transient Renderings



    The emergence of commercial time of flight (ToF) cameras for realtime depth images has motivated extensive study of exploitation of ToF information. In principle, a ToF camera is an active sensor that emits an amplitude modulated near-infrared (NIR) signal, which illuminates a given scene. The per-pixel phase difference of the modulation between reflected light and a reference signal determines the path length, and hence a depth map, of the scene.


    1. Godbaz, J. P., Cree, M. J., and Dorrington, A. A. 2012. Closed-form inverses for the mixed pixel/multipath interference problem in amcw lidar. In IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 829618–829618.
    2. Kolb, A., Barth, E., Koch, R., and Larsen, R. 2009. Time-of-flight sensors in computer graphics. In Proc. Eurographics (State-of-the-Art Report).


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