“Multifocal Projection for Dynamic Multiple Objects” by Hashimoto, Tashiro, Saito and Ogawa
Entry Number: 67
- Multifocal Projection for Dynamic Multiple Objects
Recently, projectors are flexibly used for projecting images on physical objects like a projection mapping. Moreover, in a stage production, the projectors are also used to decorate the body of actors. So they are now essential tools for an effective appearance editing of various targets. However, in such case, we must suffer from image blurring because focal distance is changed according to the shape of the target objects. Also, for projecting on the active actors, the distance is dynamically changed, and provide uncomfortable blurring effects to their audience. That is a fatal limitation for further spread of projection technology.
- Brown, M. S., Song, P., and Cham, T.-J. 2006. Image pre-conditioning for out-of-focus projector blur. Proc. of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1956–1963.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 25330230.