“Modeling and rendering architecture from photographs: a hybrid geometry- and image-based approach” by Debevec, Taylor and Malik

  • ©Paul E. Debevec, Camillo J. Taylor, and Jitendra Malik




    Modeling and rendering architecture from photographs: a hybrid geometry- and image-based approach



    We present a new approach for modeling and rendering existing architectural scenes from a sparse set of still photographs. Our modeling approach, which combines both geometry-based and image-based techniques, has two components. The first component is a photogrammetric modeling method which facilitates the recovery of the basic geometry of the photographed scene. Our photogrammetric modeling approach is effective, convenient, and robust because it exploits the constraints that are characteristic of architectural scenes. The second component is a model-based stereo algorithm, which recovers how the real scene deviates from the basic model. By making use of the model, our stereo technique robustly recovers accurate depth from widely-spaced image pairs. Consequently, our approach can model large architectural environments with far fewer photographs than current image-based modeling approaches. For producing renderings, we present view-dependent texture mapping, a method of compositing multiple views of a scene that better simulates geometric detail on basic models. Our approach can be used to recover models for use in either geometry-based or image-based rendering systems. We present results that demonstrate our approach’s ability to create realistic renderings of architectural scenes from viewpoints far from the original photographs.


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