“Locally Reparameterized Light Fields” by Tong, Shum, Feng, Kang and Szeliski

  • ©Xin Tong, Heung-Yeung Shum, Tao Feng, Sing Bing Kang, and Richard Szeliski



Interest Area:



    Locally Reparameterized Light Fields

Session/Category Title:   Light Fields



    In this sketch, we propose a novel IBR representation to handle non-diffuse effects compactly, which we call locally reparameterized light field (LRLF). LRLF is based on the use of local and separate diffuse and non-diffuse geometries. The diffuse geometry is associated with true depth while the non-diffuse geometry has virtual depth that provides local photo-consistency with respect to its neighbors.


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