“Lip-sync animation from HMM using dynamic features”




    Lip-sync animation from HMM using dynamic features


    No abstract available.


    1. Sako, S., Tokuda, K., Masuko, T., Kobayashi, T., and Ki-Tamura, T. 2000. Hmm-based text-to-audio-visual speech synthesis. In ICSLP, vol. 3, 25–28.
    2. Yotsukura, Tatsuo Amd Nakamura, S., and Morishima, S. 2005. Construction of audio-visual speech corpus using motion-capture system and corpus based facial animation. The IEICE Transaction on Information and System E 88-D, 11, 2377–2483.
    3. Yotsukura, Tatsuo Amd Nakamura, S., and Morishima, S. 2005. Speech to talking heads system based on hidden markov models. In SIGGRAPH 2005 Poster, Full Conference DVD-ROM Disc 2, ACM, 028-yotsukura.pdf.

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