“Leather texture generation” by Miyata, Sakaguchi, Imao, Hatada, Fujita, et al. …

  • ©Kazunori Miyata, Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi, Koji Imao, Yoshitake Hatada, Atsushi Fujita, and Ryotaro Suzaki

  • ©Kazunori Miyata, Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi, Koji Imao, Yoshitake Hatada, Atsushi Fujita, and Ryotaro Suzaki




    Leather texture generation



    This paper introduces a new method for generating leather texture by means of particle simulation and blobby model. The method first generates a cell arrangement pattern using a 3D particle model, and the detailed surface geometry of each of the cells is then created by applying a blobby model. A user can create various types of realistic looking leather textures with ease by simply choosing a cell arrangement type, and selecting directionality for each section, along with inputting control parameters in the texture generator.  

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©Kazunori Miyata, Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi, Koji Imao, Yoshitake Hatada, Atsushi Fujita, and Ryotaro Suzaki

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