“Learning Light Transport the Reinforced Way” by Dahm and Keller
Entry Number: 73
- Learning Light Transport the Reinforced Way
We introduce a rendering algorithm that is as simple as a path tracer but dramatically improves light transport simulation and even outperforms the Metropolis light transport algorithm. The underlying method of importance sampling learns where radiance is coming from and in fact coincides with reinforcement learning. The cost for the improvement is a data structure similar to irradiance volumes as used in realtime games.
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- _rendering
- Path Tracing
- reinforcement learning
- integral equations
- Monte Carlo
- quasi-Monte Carlo methods
The authors would like to thank Jaroslav Kriv ˇ anek and Tero Karras ́ for profound discussions. Scene courtesy (cc) 2013 Miika Ai”ala, Samuli Laine, and Jaakko Lehtinen, see https://mediatech.aalto.#/ publications/graphics/GMLT/.