“KleinPAT: optimal mode conflation for time-domain precomputation of acoustic transfer” by Wang and James

  • ©Jui-Hsien Wang and Doug L. James




    KleinPAT: optimal mode conflation for time-domain precomputation of acoustic transfer

Session/Category Title:   Sound Graphics



    We propose a new modal sound synthesis method that rapidly estimates all acoustic transfer fields of a linear modal vibration model, and greatly reduces preprocessing costs. Instead of performing a separate frequency-domain Helmholtz radiation analysis for each mode, our method partitions vibration modes into chords using optimal mode conflation, then performs a single time-domain wave simulation for each chord. We then perform transfer deconflation on each chord’s time-domain radiation field using a specialized QR solver, and thereby extract the frequency-domain transfer functions of each mode. The precomputed transfer functions are represented for fast far-field evaluation, e.g., using multipole expansions. In this paper, we propose to use a single scalar-valued Far-field Acoustic Transfer (FFAT) cube map. We describe a GPU-accelerated vector wavesolver that achieves high-throughput acoustic transfer computation at accuracy sufficient for sound synthesis. Our implementation, KleinPAT, can achieve hundred- to thousand-fold speedups compared to existing Helmholtz-based transfer solvers, thereby enabling large-scale generation of modal sound models for audio-visual applications.


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