“Inside Interactive Video Cutout” by Bhat, Wang, Colburn, Agrawala and Cohen

  • ©Pravin Bhat, Jue Wang, R. Alex Colburn, Maneesh Agrawala, and Michael F. Cohen



Interest Area:

    Implementation Sketch


    Inside Interactive Video Cutout

Session/Category Title:   Interactive Interaction



    This sketch shows many of the implementation details that support the Video Cutout system described in the papers session at SIG- GRAPH 2005. Video Cutout is an interactive system for efficiently extracting foreground objects from a video. We extend the min-cut based segmentation approach from image to video. A novel user interface allows the user to indicate the foreground object simultaneously across space and time. A hierarchical mean-shift preprocess minimizes the number of nodes that min-cut must operate on. Within min-cut we define new local cost functions to augment the more global costs defined in earlier work. Finally, we extend previous 2D alpha matting methods to the 3D spatiotemporal video object preserving both spatial and temporal smoothness.

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