“High-Quality Computational Imaging Through Simple Lenses” by Heide, Rouf, Hullin, Labitzke and Heidrich

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    High-Quality Computational Imaging Through Simple Lenses

Session/Category Title:   Computational Light Capture




    Modern imaging optics are highly complex systems consisting of up to two dozen individual optical elements. This complexity is required in order to compensate for the geometric and chromatic aberrations of a single lens, including geometric distortion, field curvature, wavelength-dependent blur, and color fringing.

    In this article, we propose a set of computational photography techniques that remove these artifacts, and thus allow for postcapture correction of images captured through uncompensated, simple optics which are lighter and significantly less expensive. Specifically, we estimate per-channel, spatially varying point spread functions, and perform nonblind deconvolution with a novel cross-channel term that is designed to specifically eliminate color fringing.


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