“High-Quality Image Deblurring With Panchromatic Pixels” by Wang, Hou, Border, Qin and Miller

  • ©Sen Wang, Tingbo Hou, John Border, Hong Qin, and Rodney Miller




    High-Quality Image Deblurring With Panchromatic Pixels



    Image deblurring has been a very challenging problem in recent decades. In this article, we propose a high-quality image deblurring method with a novel image prior based on a new imaging system. The imaging system has a newly designed sensor pattern achieved by adding panchromatic (pan) pixels to the conventional Bayer pattern. Since these pan pixels are sensitive to all wavelengths of visible light, they collect a significantly higher proportion of the light striking the sensor. A new demosaicing algorithm is also proposed to restore full-resolution images from pixels on the sensor. The shutter speed of pan pixels is controllable to users. Therefore, we can produce multiple images with different exposures. When long exposure is needed under dim light, we read pan pixels twice in one shot: one with short exposure and the other with long exposure. The long-exposure image is often blurred, while the short-exposure image can be sharp and noisy. The short-exposure image plays an important role in deblurring, since it is sharp and there is no alignment problem for the one-shot image pair. For the algorithmic aspect, our method runs in a two-step maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) fashion under a joint minimization of the blur kernel and the deblurred image. The algorithm exploits a combined image prior with a statistical part and a spatial part, which is powerful in ringing controls. Extensive experiments under various conditions and settings are conducted to demonstrate the performance of our method.


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