“Fair LVC–Curves on Subdivision Surfaces” by Séquin and Xiao

  • ©Carlo H. Séquin and Ling Xiao

  • ©Carlo H. Séquin and Ling Xiao

  • ©Carlo H. Séquin and Ling Xiao




    Fair LVC–Curves on Subdivision Surfaces

Session/Category Title:   Surface Modeling



    In computer graphics and in computer-aided design one often needs to draw a smooth connecting line between two points on a smooth surface. The most direct such connection is a geodesic line. While it is easy to trace a geodesic ray on a smooth surface or on a finely tessellated polyhedral approximation thereof, it is a well-known hard problem to connect two points with the shortest geodesic path on a surface that exhibits many areas of positive and negative mean curvature.


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