“Display of the earth taking into account atmospheric scattering” by Nishita, Sirai, Tadamura and Nakamae

  • ©Tomoyuki Nishita, Takao Sirai, Katsumi Tadamura, and Eihachiro Nakamae




    Display of the earth taking into account atmospheric scattering



    A method to display the earth as viewed from outer space (or a
    spaceship) is proposed. The intention of the paper is application to
    space flight simulators (e.g., reentry to the atmosphere) and the
    simulation of surveys of the earth (comparisons with observations
    from weather satellites and weather simulations); it is not for
    geometric modeling of terrains and/or clouds viewed from the
    ground, but for displaying the earth including the surface of the
    sea viewed from outer space taking into account particles (air
    molecules and aerosols) in the atmosphere and water molecules in
    the sea.
    The major points of the algorithm proposed here are the
    efficient calculation of optical length and sky light, with lookup
    tables taking advantage of the facts that the earth is spherical, and
    that sunlight is parallel.


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