“Destroying the Pharaoh’s Army – Large-scale Dynamics in Exodus”

  • ©Kai Wolter, Mariano Blanc, Francisco Gochez, and Ruben D. Hernandez

  • ©Kai Wolter, Mariano Blanc, Francisco Gochez, and Ruben D. Hernandez



Entry Number: 83


    Destroying the Pharaoh’s Army - Large-scale Dynamics in Exodus



    For Ridley Scott’s Exodus: Gods and Kings, MPC was tasked with the challenge of simulating the Pharaoh’s army of hundreds of chariots, cavalry and soldiers. The Egyptian troops needed to crash into each other, tumble down the slope of a collapsing mountain and be swept away by a gigantic wave. Motion-captured chariots, horses and soldiers were combined with simulations of colliding teams of horses and breaking chariots. These all blended seamlessly into footage of practical effects and stunt performances.

    While MPC has a long history of simulating crowd agents with our proprietary crowd software ALICE and physics simulation software PAPI, the complexity and number of set-ups required us to improve the quality of the simulations and streamline our dynamics pipeline.


    To Adam Davis, Marco Carboni, Jo Plaete and Alan Stanzione in the crowd department, for their contribution to this development.


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