“Customizing Time of Flight Modulation Codes to Resolve Mixed Pixels” by Kadambi, Whyte, Bhandari, Streeter, Barsi, et al. …

  • ©Achuta Kadambi, Refael Whyte, Ayush Bhandari, Lee Streeter, Christopher Barsi, Adrian Dorrington, and Ramesh Raskar

  • ©Achuta Kadambi, Refael Whyte, Ayush Bhandari, Lee Streeter, Christopher Barsi, Adrian Dorrington, and Ramesh Raskar

  • ©Achuta Kadambi, Refael Whyte, Ayush Bhandari, Lee Streeter, Christopher Barsi, Adrian Dorrington, and Ramesh Raskar



Entry Number: 33


    Customizing Time of Flight Modulation Codes to Resolve Mixed Pixels



    We couple custom binary sequences with sparsity based approaches to address the multi-path problem in time of flight imaging. In particular, we utilize maximum length m-sequences that allow us to produce non band-limited correlation functions. Coupled with a tailored sparse deconvolution approach, we are able to resolve the constituent phases and amplitudes of a mixed pixel measurement. Finally, we demonstrate application scenarios, including depth imaging of near-transparent objects.


    1. Fuchs, S. 2010. Multipath interference compensation in time-of-flight camera images. In Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2010 20th International Conference on, IEEE, 3583–3586.
    2. Godbaz, J. P., Cree, M. J., and Dorrington, A. A. 2012. Closed-form inverses for the mixed pixel/multipath interference problem in amcw lidar. In IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 829618–829618.


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