“Creating a diverse workplace with authentic multicultural voices; how can we create real long-term equality?” Moderated by

  • ©Dr. Patricia G. Beckmann-Wells, Sonya Carey, Magdiela H. Duhamel, Linc Johnson, and Guillaume Champavere



Entry Number: 04


    Creating a diverse workplace with authentic multicultural voices; how can we create real long-term equality?



    Computer graphics media industries see themselves as forward thinking and inclusive. However, BIPOC (black, Indigenous and people of color) are often not at the table when issues regarding inclusion are discussed. Inclusion requires a plan that reaches not only the candidate, but the educational and home communities a candidate is from. This panel will discuss the experience of BIPOC artists entering a predominantly white male workforce and what change must occur to make the journey a little better for everyone.

    Filmmakers, artists, and educators comprise this panel and will represent the barriers experienced by persons of color that occur not just at the interview, but in the educational system and BIPOC community. They will share experiences on production and give honest feedback on how to create positive change.



    American for the Arts: 10 Arts education fast facts. https://www.americansforthearts.org/by-topic/arts-education/10- arts-education-fast-facts.


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