“Coupled Structure-From-Motion and 3D Symmetry Detection for Urban Façades” by Ceylan, Mitra, Zheng and Pauly

  • ©Duygu Ceylan, Niloy J. Mitra, Youyi Zheng, and Mark Pauly




    Coupled Structure-From-Motion and 3D Symmetry Detection for Urban Façades

Session/Category Title:   Depth for All Occasions




    Repeated structures are ubiquitous in urban facades. Such repetitions lead to ambiguity in establishing correspondences across sets of unordered images. A decoupled structure-from-motion reconstruction followed by symmetry detection often produces errors: outputs are either noisy and incomplete, or even worse, appear to be valid but actually have a wrong number of repeated elements. We present an optimization framework for extracting repeated elements in images of urban facades, while simultaneously calibrating the input images and recovering the 3D scene geometry using a graph-based global analysis. We evaluate the robustness of the proposed scheme on a range of challenging examples containing widespread repetitions and nondistinctive features. These image sets are common but cannot be handled well with state-of-the-art methods. We show that the recovered symmetry information along with the 3D geometry enables a range of novel image editing operations that maintain consistency across the images.


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