“Concept through creation: establishing a 3-D design process in the footwear industry”

  • ©Jochen Suessmuth, Sky Asay, Conor Fitzgerald, Mario Poerner, Davoud Ohadi, and Detlef Mueller

  • ©Jochen Suessmuth, Sky Asay, Conor Fitzgerald, Mario Poerner, Davoud Ohadi, and Detlef Mueller

  • ©Jochen Suessmuth, Sky Asay, Conor Fitzgerald, Mario Poerner, Davoud Ohadi, and Detlef Mueller



Entry Number: 50


    Concept through creation: establishing a 3-D design process in the footwear industry



    The aim of the adidas digital creation program is to build an industry leading system of 3-D tools that empowers creativity and connects creators digitally. Our pipeline is tailored for a product design and creation community that is non-technical. Our users benefit from better visualization and information for decision-making such as concept reviews or improved factory handovers. The brand benefits from more useful assets for sell-in, and consumers benefit from products that it ever changing trends. 3-D tools for product design that enable constant change through non-destructive behavior at a speed of workflow that is competitive with traditional 2-D methods haven’t been available in the past. In this talk, we’ll share how working side by side with our footwear designers, we were able to find novel workflows that inspire new tools and integrations.


    Brent Burley. 2013. Physically-based shading at disney. In ACM SIGGRAPH Talks 2012



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