2020 Technical Paper: YUKSEL_A Class of C2 Interpolating Splines

“A Class of C2 Interpolating Splines” by Yuksel

2020 Technical Paper: WANG_Exact and Efficient Polyhedral Envelope Containment Check

“Exact and efficient polyhedral envelope containment check” by Wang, Schneider, Hu, Attene and Panozzo

2020 Technical Paper: ISERINGHAUSEN_Computational Parquetry: Fabricated Style Transfer with Wood Pixels

“Computational Parquetry: Fabricated Style Transfer With Wood Pixels” by Iseringhausen, Weinmann, Huang and Hullin

2020 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“A System for Efficient 3D Printed Stop-motion Face Animation” by Abdrashitov, Jacobson and Singh

2020 Technical Paper: JIA_Complete Classification and Efficient Determination of Arrangements Formed by Two Ellipsoids

“Complete Classification and Efficient Determination of Arrangements Formed by Two Ellipsoids” by Jia, Tu, Mourrain and Wang

2020 Technical Paper: YANG_Error-bounded Compatible Remeshing

“Error-bounded compatible remeshing” by Yang, Zhang, Liu, Liu and Fu

2020 Technical Paper: HU_Fast Tetrahedral Meshing in the Wild

“Fast tetrahedral meshing in the wild” by Hu, Schneider, Wang, Zorin and Panozzo

2020 Technical Paper: ABDELKADER_VoroCrust: Voronoi Meshing Without Clipping

“VoroCrust: Voronoi Meshing Without Clipping” by Abdelrazek, Ebeida, Mahmoud, Bajaj, Mitchell, et al. …

2020 Technical Paper: DUENSER_RoboCut: Hot-wire Cutting with Robot-controlled Flexible Rods

“RoboCut: hot-wire cutting with robot-controlled flexible rods” by Duenser, Poranne, Thomaszewski and Coros

2020 Technical Paper: LIVESU_LoopyCuts: Practical Feature-Preserving Block Decomposition for Strongly Hex-Dominant Meshing

“LoopyCuts: practical feature-preserving block decomposition for strongly hex-dominant meshing” by Livesu, Pietroni, Puppo, Sheffer and Cignoni

2020 Technical Paper: GUO_Cut-enhanced PolyCube-Maps for Feature-aware All-Hex Meshing

“Cut-enhanced PolyCube-maps for feature-aware all-hex meshing” by Guo, Liu, Yan and Liu

2020 Technical Paper: SENDIK_Unsupervised K-modal Styled Content Generation

“Unsupervised K-modal styled content generation” by Sendik, Lischinski and Cohen-Or

2020 Technical Paper: WU_Analytic Spherical Harmonic Gradients for Real-Time Rendering withMany Polygonal Area Lights

“Analytic spherical harmonic gradients for real-time rendering with many polygonal area lights” by Wu, Cai, Zhao and Ramamoorthi

2020 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Generating Digital Painting Lighting Effects via RGB-space Geometry” by Zhang, Simo-Serra, Ji and Liu

2020 Technical Paper: SUN_End-to-end Learned, Optically Coded Super-resolution SPAD Camera

“End-to-end Learned, Optically Coded Super-resolution SPAD Camera” by Sun, Zhang, Dun, Ghanem, Peng, et al. …

2020 Technical Paper: KARACAN_Manipulating Attributes of Natural Scenes via Hallucination

“Manipulating Attributes of Natural Scenes via Hallucination” by Karacan, Akata, Erdem and Erdem

2020 Technical Paper: ZHANG_Path-Space Differentiable Rendering

“Path-space differentiable rendering” by Zhang, Miller, Yan, Gkioulekas and Zhao

2020 Technical Paper: NIMIER DAVID_Radiative Backpropagation: An Adjoint Method for Lightning-Fast Dierentiable Rendering

“Radiative backpropagation: an adjoint method for lightning-fast differentiable rendering” by Nimier-David, Speierer, Ruiz and Jakob

2020 Technical Paper: LUAN_Langevin Monte Carlo Rendering with Gradient-based Adaptation

“Langevin monte carlo rendering with gradient-based adaptation” by Luan, Zhao, Bala and Gkioulekas

2020 Technical Paper: WANG_Vid2Curve: Simultaneous Camera Motion Estimation and Thin Structure Reconstruction from an RGB Video

“Vid2Curve: simultaneous camera motion estimation and thin structure reconstruction from an RGB video” by Wang, Liu, Chen, Chu, Theobalt, et al. …

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