2020 Technical Paper: ZELTNER_Specular Manifold Sampling for Rendering High-Frequency Caustics and Glints

“Specular Manifold Sampling for Rendering High-frequency Caustics and Glints” by Zeltner, Georgiev and Jakob

2020 Technical Paper: PIOVARČI_Fabrication-in-the-Loop Co-Optimization of Surfaces and Styli for Drawing Haptics

“Fabrication-in-the-Loop Co-Optimization of Surfaces and Styli for Drawing Haptics” by Piovarči, Kaufman, Levin and Didyk

2020 Technical Paper: PLASENCIA_GS-PAT: High-Speed Multi-Point Sound-Fields for Phased Arrays of Transducers

“GS-PAT: High-speed Multi-point Sound-fields for Phased Arrays of Transducers” by Plasencia, Hirayama, Murillo and Subramanian

2020 Technical Paper: SELLÁN_Developability of Heightfields via Rank Minimization

“Developability of Heightfields via Rank Minimization” by Sellán, Aigerman and Jacobson

2020 Technical Paper: JIANG_Quad-mesh based isometric mappings and developable surfaces

“Quad-mesh Based Isometric Mappings and Developable Surfaces” by Jiang, Wang, Rist, Wallner and Pottmann

2020 Technical Paper: ZHANG_C-Space Tunnel Discovery for Puzzle Path Planning

“C-Space Tunnel Discovery for Puzzle Path Planning” by Zhang, Belfer, Kry and Vouga

2020 Technical Paper: PELLIS_Principal Symmetric Meshes

“Principal Symmetric Meshes” by Pellis, Wang, Kilian, Rist, Pottmann, et al. …

2020 Technical Paper: PILLWEIN_On Elastic Geodesic Grids and Their Planar to Spatial Deployment

“On Elastic Geodesic Grids and Their Planar to Spatial Deployment” by Pillwein, Leimer, Birsak and Musialski

2020 Technical Paper: LI_Exertion-Aware Path Generation

“Exertion-aware Path Generation” by Li, Xie, Zhang, Meiss, Huang, et al. …

2020 Technical Paper: LIU_Real-time Image Smoothing via Iterative Least Squares

“Real-time Image Smoothing via Iterative Least Squares” by Liu, Zhang, Huang, Yang and Shen

2020 Technical Paper: CHEN_DeepMag: Source-Specific Change Magnification Using Gradient Ascent

“DeepMag: Source Specific Motion Magnification Using Gradient Ascent” by McDuff and Chen

2020 Technical Paper: WEST_Continuous Multiple Importance Sampling

“Continuous multiple importance sampling” by West, Georgiev, Gruson and Hachisuka

2020 Technical Paper: PAULIN_Sliced Optimal Transport Sampling

“Sliced optimal transport sampling” by Paulin, Bonneel, Coeurjolly, Iehl, Webanck, et al. …

2020 Technical Paper: DENES_A perceptual model of motion quality for rendering with adaptive refresh-rate and resolution

“A perceptual model of motion quality for rendering with adaptive refresh-rate and resolution” by Denes, Jindal, Mikhailiuk and Mantiuk

2020 Technical Paper: CHAPIRO_A Luminance-aware Model of Judder Perception

“A Luminance-aware Model of Judder Perception” by Chapiro, Atkins and Daly

2020 Technical Paper: RUPPERT_Robust Fitting of Parallax-Aware Mixtures for Path Guiding

“Robust fitting of parallax-aware mixtures for path guiding” by Ruppert, Herholz and Lensch

2020 Technical Paper: RATH_Variance-Aware Path Guiding

“Variance-aware path guiding” by Rath, Grittmann, Herholz, Vévoda, Slusallek, et al. …

2020 Technical Paper: RIOUX-LAVOIE_Delayed Rejection Metropolis Light Transport

“Delayed Rejection Metropolis Light Transport” by Rioux-Lavoie, Litalien, Gruson, Hachisuka and Nowrouzezahrai

2020 Technical Paper: NABATA_Resampling-aware Weighting Functions for Bidirectional Path Tracing Using Multiple Light Sub-Paths

“Resampling-aware Weighting Functions for Bidirectional Path Tracing Using Multiple Light Sub-paths” by Nabata, Iwasaki and Dobashi

2020 Technical Paper: WANG_Hierarchical Optimization Time Integration for CFL-Rate MPM Stepping

“Hierarchical Optimization Time Integration for CFL-rate MPM Stepping” by Wang, Li, Fang, Zhang, Gao, et al. …

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