1983 Technical Paper: Cahn_A Device-Independent Network Graphics System

“A device-independent network graphics system” by Cahn and Yen

1983 Technical Paper: Bloomenthal_Edge Inference with Applications 12 Antialiasing

“Edge Inference with Applications to Antialiasing” by Bloomenthal

1983 Technical Paper: Whitted_Anti-Aliased Line Drawing Using Brush Extrusion

“Anti-aliased line drawing using brush extrusion” by Whitted

1983 Technical Paper: Fiume_A Paralle1Scan Conversion Algorithm with Anti-Aliasing for a General-Purpose Ultracomputer

“A parallel scan conversion algorithm with anti-aliasing for a general-purpose ultracomputer” by Fiume, Fournier and Rudolph

1983 Technical Paper: Beach_Graphical Style Towards High Quality Illustrations

“Graphical style towards high quality illustrations” by Beach

1983 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“INCENSE: A system for displaying data structures” by Myers

1983 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Topologically reliable display of algebraic curves” by Arnon


“Spatial input/display correspondence in a stereoscopic computer graphic work station” by Schmandt

1983 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Japanese computer graphics: Challenges and opportunities” by Herr, Ikedo, Naito and Saimi

2014 Technical Paper: Mehta_Factored Axis-Aligned Filtering for Rendering Multiple Distribution Effects

“Factored axis-aligned filtering for rendering multiple distribution effects” by Mehta, Yao, Ramamoorthi and Durand

2014 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Boosting Monte-Carlo Rendering by Ray Histogram Fusion” by Delbracio, Musé, Buades, Chauvier, Phelps, et al. …

2014 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“A Local Frequency Analysis of Light Scattering and Absorption” by Belcour, Bala and Soler

2014 Technical Paper: Wachtel_Fast Tile-Based Adaptive Sampling with User-Specified Fourier Spectra

“Fast tile-based adaptive sampling with user-specified Fourier spectra” by Wachtel, Pilleboue, Coeurjolly, Breeden, Singh, et al. …

2014 Technical Paper: Lessig_A Constructive Theory of Sampling for Image Synthesis using Reproducing Kernel Bases

“A constructive theory of sampling for image synthesis using reproducing Kernel bases” by Lessig, Desbrun and Fiume

2014 Technical Paper: Su_EZ-Sketching: Three-Level Optimization for Error-Tolerant Image Tracing

“EZ-sketching: three-level optimization for error-tolerant image tracing” by Su, LI, Wang and Fu

2014 Technical Paper: Sun_Fast Multipole Representation of Diffusion Curves and Points

“Fast multipole representation of diffusion curves and points” by Zheng, Sun and Thamjaroenporn

2014 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Computing Smooth Surface Contours With Accurate Topology” by Bénard, Hertzmann and Kass

2014 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Ink-and-Ray: Bas-Relief Meshes for Adding Global Illumination Effects to Hand-Drawn Characters” by Sýkora, Kavan, Čadík, Jamriška, Jacobson, et al. …

2014 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Authoring and Animating Painterly Characters” by Bassett, Baran, Schmid, Gross and Sumner

2015 Technical Paper: Hamalainen_Online Motion Synthesis Using Sequential Monte Carlo

“Online motion synthesis using sequential Monte Carlo” by Hämäläinen, Eriksson, Tanskanen, Kyrki and Lehtinen

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