“Graphical style towards high quality illustrations” by Beach

  • ©Richard J. Beach




    Graphical style towards high quality illustrations



    If there is to be widespread acceptance of computer generated images in areas traditionally served by graphic artists, these images must meet a high standard of quality. Document preparation systems are an application area that is gaining maturity in providing high-quality computer typeset documents. These systems exhibit a trend towards specifying the formatting information for a document separately from the body of the text. The goal is to have the document format designed by someone with expert knowledge of typography. Writers can then apply a format to their own work simply by indicating the semantic content of their text, such as the headings, paragraphs, or footnotes. The result is that a writer can produce properly typeset documents without learning the esthetics of typography. This paper extends this idea to encompass the illustrations in the text. We have developed a prototype system that uses a set of graphical style rules to define the design guidelines for the illustrations. The rules, called a graphical style sheet, can be used to control a uniform “look” over a set of illustrations, or to change the appearance of a particular illustration to reflect different publishing styles or different media. The prototype coordinates with an existing document preparation system and the combined systems were used to produce this paper. We conclude that this is a viable method for controlling image style for at least one class of illustrations. This approach contributes to image quality by providing a method for capturing knowledge of graphic arts standards, and for ensuring a consistent appearance of related illustrations within technical documentation.


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