2006 Technical Paper: Sun_Generalized Wavelet Product Integral for Rendering Dynamic Glossy Objects

“Generalized wavelet product integral for rendering dynamic glossy objects” by Sun and Mukherjee

2006 Technical Paper: Ben-Artzi_Real-Time BRDF Editing in Complex Lighting

“Real-time BRDF editing in complex lighting” by Ben-Artzi, Overbeck and Ramamoorthi

2006 Technical Paper: Tsai_All-Frequency Precomputed Radiance Transfer using Spherical Radial Basis Functions and Clustered Tensor Approximation

“All-frequency precomputed radiance transfer using spherical radial basis functions and clustered tensor approximation” by Tsai and Shih

2006 Technical Paper: Nayar_Fast Separation of Direct and Global Components of a Scene using High Frequency Illumination

“Fast separation of direct and global components of a scene using high frequency illumination” by Nayar, Krishnan, Grossberg and Raskar

2006 Technical Paper: Kuthirummal_Multiview Radial Catadioptric Imaging for Scene Capture

“Multiview radial catadioptric imaging for scene capture” by Kuthirummal and Nayar

2006 Technical Paper: Levoy_Light Field Microscopy

“Light field microscopy” by Levoy, Ng, Adams, Footer and Horowitz

2006 Technical Paper: James_Precomputed Acoustic Transfer: Output-sensitive, accurate sound generation for geometrically complex vibration sources

“Precomputed acoustic transfer: output-sensitive, accurate sound generation for geometrically complex vibration sources” by James, Barbic and Pai

2006 Technical Paper: Zhang_Projection Defocus Analysis for Scene Capture and Image Display

“Projection defocus analysis for scene capture and image display” by Zhang and Nayar

2006 Technical Paper: Weyrich_Analysis of Human Faces using a Measurement-Based Skin Reflectance Model

“Analysis of human faces using a measurement-based skin reflectance model” by Weyrich, Matusik, Pfister, Bickel, Donner, et al. …

2006 Technical Paper: Wang_Edge Subdivision Schemes and the Construction of Smooth Vector Fields

“Edge subdivision schemes and the construction of smooth vector fields” by Wang, Weiwei, Tong, Desbrun and Schröder

2006 Technical Paper: Narasimhan_Acquiring Scattering Properties of Participating Media by Dilution

“Acquiring scattering properties of participating media by dilution” by Narasimhan, Gupta, Donner, Ramamoorthi, Nayar, et al. …

2006 Technical Paper: Garg_Photorealistic Rendering of Rain Streaks

“Photorealistic rendering of rain streaks” by Garg and Nayar

2006 Technical Paper: Golovinskiy_A Statistical Model for Synthesis of Detailed Facial Geometry

“A statistical model for synthesis of detailed facial geometry” by Golovinskiy, Matusik, Pfister, Rusinkiewicz and Funkhouser

2006 Technical Paper: Isenburg_Streaming Computation of Delaunay Triangulations

“Streaming computation of Delaunay triangulations” by Isenburg, Liu, Shewchuk and Snoeyink

2006 Technical Paper: Levin_Modified subdivision surfaces with continuous curvature

“Modified subdivision surfaces with continuous curvature” by Levin

2006 Technical Paper: Meyer_Statistical Acceleration for Animated Global Illumination

“Statistical acceleration for animated global illumination” by Meyer and Anderson

2006 Technical Paper: Hasan_Direct-to-Indirect Transfer for Cinematic Relighting

“Direct-to-indirect transfer for cinematic relighting” by Hasan, Pellacini and Bala

2006 Technical Paper: Shi_A Fast Multigrid Algorithm for Mesh Deformation

“A fast multigrid algorithm for mesh deformation” by Shi, Yu, Bell and Feng

2006 Technical Paper: Funck_Vector Field Based Shape Deformations

“Vector field based shape deformations” by Funck, Theisel and Seidel

2006 Technical Paper: Kircher_Editing Arbitrarily Deforming Surface Animations

“Editing arbitrarily deforming surface animations” by Kircher and Garland

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