2006 Technical Paper: Roimela_High Dynamic Range Texture Compression

“High dynamic range texture compression” by Roimela, Aarnio and Itäranta

2006 Technical Paper: Munkberg_High Dynamic Range Texture Compression for Graphics Hardware

“High dynamic range texture compression for graphics hardware” by Munkberg, Clarberg, Hasselgren and Akenine-Moeller

2006 Technical Paper: Zhou_Mesh Quilting For Geometric Texture Synthesis

“Mesh quilting for geometric texture synthesis” by Zhou, Huang, Wang, Tong, Desbrun, et al. …

2006 Technical Paper: Treuille_Model Reduction for Real-time Fluids

“Model reduction for real-time fluids” by Treuille, Lewis and Popovic

2006 Technical Paper: Klingner_Fluid Animation with Dynamic Meshes

“Fluid animation with dynamic meshes” by Klingner, Feldman, Chentanez and O’Brien

2006 Technical Paper: Losasso_Multiple Interacting Liquids

“Multiple interacting liquids” by Losasso, Shinar, Selle and Fedkiw

2006 Technical Paper: Irving_Efficient Simulation of Large Bodies of Water by Coupling Two and Three Dimensional Techniques

“Efficient simulation of large bodies of water by coupling two and three dimensional techniques” by Irving, Guendelman, Losasso and Fedkiw

2006 Technical Paper: Raskar_Coded Exposure Photography: Motion Deblurring using Fluttered Shutter

“Coded exposure photography: motion deblurring using fluttered shutter” by Raskar, Agrawal and Tumblin

2006 Technical Paper: Fergus_Removing Camera Shake from a Single Photograph

“Removing camera shake from a single photograph” by Fergus, Singh, Hertzmann, Roweis and Freeman

2006 Technical Paper: Joshi_Natural Video Matting using Camera Arrays

“Natural video matting using camera arrays” by Joshi, Matusik and Avidan

2006 Technical Paper: Sun_Flash Matting

“Flash matting” by Sun, Li, Kang and Shum

2006 Technical Paper: Gu_Time-Varying Surface Appearance: Acquisition, Modeling and Rendering

“Time-varying surface appearance: acquisition, modeling and rendering” by Gu, Tu, Ramamoorthi, Belhumeur, Matusik, et al. …

2006 Technical Paper: Arikan_Compression of Motion Capture Databases

“Compression of motion capture databases” by Arikan

2006 Technical Paper: Kry_Interaction Capture and Synthesis

“Interaction capture and synthesis” by Kry and Pai

2006 Technical Paper: Goldman_Schematic Storyboarding for Video Visualization and Editing

“Schematic storyboarding for video visualization and editing” by Goldman, Curless, Salesin and Seitz

2006 Technical Paper: Agarwala_Photographing Long Scenes with Multi-Viewpoint Panoramas

“Photographing long scenes with multi-viewpoint panoramas” by Agarwala, Agrawala, Cohen, Salesin and Szeliski

2006 Technical Paper: Snavely_Photo Tourism: Exploring Photo Collections in 3D

“Photo tourism: exploring photo collections in 3D” by Snavely, Seitz and Szeliski

2006 Technical Paper: Lee_Motion Patches: Building Blocks for Virtual Environments Annotated with Motion Data

“Motion patches: building blocks for virtual environments annotated with motion data” by Lee, Choi and Lee

2006 Technical Paper: Rother_AutoCollage

“AutoCollage” by Rother, Bordeaux, Hamadi and Blake

2006 Technical Paper: Ren_Real-time Soft Shadows in Dynamic Scenes using Spherical Harmonic Exponentiation

“Real-time soft shadows in dynamic scenes using spherical harmonic exponentiation” by Ren, Wang, Snyder, Zhou, Liu, et al. …

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