“High dynamic range texture compression for graphics hardware” by Munkberg, Clarberg, Hasselgren and Akenine-Moeller

  • ©Jacob Munkberg, Petrik Clarberg, Jon Hasselgren, and Tomas Akenine-Moeller




    High dynamic range texture compression for graphics hardware



    In this paper, we break new ground by presenting algorithms for fixed-rate compression of high dynamic range textures at low bit rates. First, the S3TC low dynamic range texture compression scheme is extended in order to enable compression of HDR data. Second, we introduce a novel robust algorithm that offers superior image quality. Our algorithm can be efficiently implemented in hardware, and supports textures with a dynamic range of over 109:1. At a fixed rate of 8 bits per pixel, we obtain results virtually indistinguishable from uncompressed HDR textures at 48 bits per pixel. Our research can have a big impact on graphics hardware and real-time rendering, since HDR texturing suddenly becomes affordable.


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