2016 Image Not Available

“Matching Real Fabrics With Micro-Appearance Models” by Khungurn, Schroeder, Zhao, Bala and Marshier

2016 Image Not Available

“3D Mesh Labeling via Deep Convolutional Neural Network” by Guo, Zou and Chen

2016 Image Not Available

“Efficient 3D Object Segmentation From Densely Sampled Light Fields With Applications to 3D Reconstruction” by Yücer, Sorkine-Hornung, Wang and Sorkine-Hornung

2016 Image Not Available

“Printed Perforated Lampshades for Continuous Projective Images” by Zhao, Lu, Wei, Lischinski, Sharf, et al. …

2016 Image Not Available

“Pushing the Limits of 3D Color Printing: Error Diffusion With Translucent Materials” by Brunton, Arikan and Urban

2016 Image Not Available

“Fast 4D Sheared Filtering for Interactive Rendering of Distribution Effects”

2016 Image Not Available

“Integration with Stochastic Point Processes” by Öztireli

2016 Image Not Available

“Q-MAT: Computing Medial Axis Transform By Quadratic Error Minimization” by Yan, Sykes, Chambers, Letscher and Ju

2016 Image Not Available

“Animated Mesh Approximation With Sphere-Meshes” by Zhou, Grinspun, Zorin and Jacobson

2016 Image Not Available

“Occluded Imaging With Time-of-Flight Sensor” by Kadambi, Zhao, Shi and Raskar

2006 Technical Paper: Cohen-Or_Color Harmonization

“Color harmonization” by Cohen-Or, Sorkine-Hornung, Gal, Leyvand and Xu

2006 Technical Paper: Wald_Ray Tracing Animated Scenes using Coherent Grid Traversal

“Ray tracing animated scenes using coherent grid traversal” by Wald, Ize, Kensler, Knoll and Parker

2006 Technical Paper: Huang_Reassembling Fractured Objects by Geometric Matching

“Reassembling fractured objects by geometric matching” by Huang, Flöry, Gelfand, Hofer and Pottmann

2006 Technical Paper: Park_Capturing and Animating Skin Deformation in Human Motion

“Capturing and animating skin deformation in human motion” by Park and Hodgins

2006 Technical Paper: Lefebvre_Perfect Spatial Hashing

“Perfect spatial hashing” by Lefebvre and Hoppe

2006 Technical Paper: Mitra_Partial and Approximate Symmetry Detection for 3D Geometry

“Partial and approximate symmetry detection for 3D geometry” by Mitra, Guibas and Pauly

2006 Technical Paper: Podolak_A Planar-Reflective Symmetry Transform for 3D Shapes

“A planar-reflective symmetry transform for 3D shapes” by Podolak, Shilane, Golovinskiy, Rusinkiewicz and Funkhouser

2006 Technical Paper: Lefebvre_Appearance-Space Texture Synthesis

“Appearance-space texture synthesis” by Lefebvre and Hoppe

2006 Technical Paper: Schaefer_Image Deformation Using Moving Least Squares

“Image deformation using moving least squares” by Schaefer, McPhail and Warren

2006 Technical Paper: Olivia_Hybrid images

“Hybrid images” by Oliva, Torralba and Schyns

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