“Reassembling fractured objects by geometric matching” by Huang, Flöry, Gelfand, Hofer and Pottmann
- Reassembling fractured objects by geometric matching
We present a system for automatic reassembly of broken 3D solids. Given as input 3D digital models of the broken fragments, we analyze the geometry of the fracture surfaces to find a globally consistent reconstruction of the original object. Our reconstruction pipeline consists of a graph-cuts based segmentation algorithm for identifying potential fracture surfaces, feature-based robust global registration for pairwise matching of fragments, and simultaneous constrained local registration of multiple fragments. We develop several new techniques in the area of geometry processing, including the novel integral invariants for computing multi-scale surface characteristics, registration based on forward search techniques and surface consistency, and a non-penetrating iterated closest point algorithm. We illustrate the performance of our algorithms on a number of real-world examples.
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