2013 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Oz: the great and volumetric” by Wrenninge, Kulla and Lundqvist

2013 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Rendering fur in Life of Pi” by Neulander, Kato and Beason

2013 Talks: King_BSSRDF Importance Sampling

“BSSRDF importance sampling” by King, Kulla, Estevez and Fajardo

2013 Talks: Kanazawa_Pencil Tracing Mirage: Principle and its Evaluation

“Pencil tracing mirage: principle and its evaluation” by Kanazawa, Sakato and Takahashi

2013 Talks: Mellado_Screen-Space Curvature for Production-Quality Rendering and Compositing

“Screen-space curvature for production-quality rendering and compositing” by Mellado, Barla, Guennebaud, Reuter and Duquesne

2013 Talks: Loi_Discrete Texture Design Using a Programmable Approach

“Discrete texture design using a programmable approach” by Loi, Hurtut, Vergne and Thollot

2013 Talks: Woop_Embree Ray Tracing Kernels for CPUs and the Xeon Phi Architecture

“Embree ray tracing kernels for CPUs and the Xeon Phi architecture” by Woop, Feng, Wald and Benthin

2013 Talks: Kerr_SnugBlur!: Constraint-Preserving Motion Blur

“SnugBlur!: Constraint-preserving motion blur” by Kerr and Ryu

2013 Talks: Mueller_constructable: Interactive Construction of Functional Mechanical Devices

“constructable: interactive construction of functional mechanical devices” by Mueller, Lopes, Kaefer, Kruck and Baudisch

2013 Talks: Doran_Isosurface Stuffing Improved: Acute Lattices and Feature Matching

“Isosurface stuffing improved: acute lattices and feature matching” by Doran, Chang and Bridson

2013 Talks: Hildebrand_Sketch-Based Pipeline for Mass Customization

“Sketch-based pipeline for mass customization” by Hildebrand and Alexa

2013 Talks: Ghoniem_Hair growth by means of sparse volumetric modeling and advection

“Hair growth by means of sparse volumetric modeling and advection” by Ghoniem and Museth

2013 Talks: Fyffe_Driving High-Resolution Facial Blendshapes with Video Performance Capture

“Driving high-resolution facial blendshapes with video performance capture” by Fyffe, Jones, Alexander, Ichikari, Graham, et al. …

2013 Talks: Yoshida_Incendiary reflection: evoking emotion through deformed facial feedback

“Incendiary reflection: evoking emotion through deformed facial feedback” by Yoshida, Sakurai, Narumi, Tanikawa and Hirose

2013 Talks: Tena_D-Tech Me: Fabricating 3D Figurines With Personalized Faces

“D-tech me: fabricating 3D figurines with personalized faces” by Tena, Mahler, Beeler, Yeh, Grosse, et al. …

2013 Talks: Kahwaty_A Deformer-Based Approach to Facial Rigging

“A deformer-based approach to facial rigging” by Kahwaty, Lee, Smith, Lin and Schiller

2013 Talks: Yang_Blizzard Entertainment – Diablo 3 Cinematics Wing Effects

“Blizzard entertainment: Diablo 3 cinematics wing effects” by Yang, Chang, LaBarge, Pilgrim and Burton

2013 Talks: Cordner_Zerg Rush Hour: Simulating Swarms for StarCraft 2 Cinematics

“Zerg rush hour: simulating swarms for StarCraft 2 cinematics” by Cordner and LaBarge

2013 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Pronto: scheduling the un-schedulable” by Ricklefs

2013 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“ReviewTool: a database-driven visual effects editing application” by Fagnou, Cameron and Valdez

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