“BSSRDF importance sampling” by King, Kulla, Estevez and Fajardo

  • ©Alan King, Christopher Kulla, Alejandro Conty Estevez, and Marcos Fajardo




    BSSRDF importance sampling



    Light propagation within translucent materials can be described by a BSSRDF [Jensen et al. 2001]. The main difficulty in integrating this effect lies in the generation of well-distributed samples on the surface within the support of the rapidly decaying BSSRDF profile. Jensen suggested that these points could be importance sampled but did not provide implementation details. More recently, Walter et al. [2012] and Christensen et al. [2012] proposed other sampling methods which can still suffer from excessive variance.


    1. Christensen, P. H., Harker, G., Shade, J., Schubert, B., and Batali, D. 2012. Multiresolution radiosity caching for global illumination in movies. SIGGRAPH 2012 Talks.
    2. D’Eon, E., and Irving, G. 2011. A quantized-diffusion model for rendering translucent materials. SIGGRAPH 2011.
    3. Jensen, H. W., Marschner, S. R., Levoy, M., and Hanrahan, P. 2001. A practical model for subsurface light transport. SIGGRAPH 2001.
    4. Walter, B., Khungurn, P., and Bala, K. 2012. Bidirectional lightcuts. SIGGRAPH 2012.

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