2012 Talks: Liekis_Art pipeline: Transition from Offline to Realtime CG

“Art pipeline: transition from offline to realtime CG” by Liekis, Hodgson and Zioma

2012 Talks: Olsson_Tiled and Clustered Forward Shading Supporting Transparency and MSAA

“Tiled and clustered forward shading: supporting transparency and MSAA” by Olsson, Billeter and Assarsson

2012 Talks: Golas_Efficient Large-Scale Hybrid Fluid Simulation

“Efficient large-scale hybrid fluid simulation” by Golas, Narain, Sewall, Krajcevski and Lin

2012 Talks: Cournia_Crom - Massively Parallel, CPU/GPU Hybrid Computation Platform for Visual Effects

“Crom: massively parallel, CPU/GPU hybrid computation platform for visual effects” by Cournia, Smith, Spitzak, Vanover, Rijpkema, et al. …

2012 Talks: Marwah_Compressive Light Field Photography

“Compressive light field photography” by Marwah, Wetzstein, Veeraraghavan and Raskar

2012 Talks: Velten_Relativistic Ultrafast Rendering Using Time-of-Flight Imaging

“Relativistic ultrafast rendering using time-of-flight imaging” by Velten, Wu, Jarabo, Masia, Barsi, et al. …

2012 Talks: Xue_Crowd Sourcing Memory Colors For Image Enhancement

“Crowd sourcing memory colors for image enhancement” by Xue, McNamara, Rushmeier and Dorsey

2012 Talks: Christensen_Multiresolution Radiosity Caching for Global Illumination in Movies

“Multiresolution radiosity caching for global illumination in movies” by Christensen, Harker, Shade, Schubert and Batali

2012 Talks: Seddon_Wrath Of The Titans - Creating CG Lava With Advected Sculpts

“Wrath of the Titans: creating CG lava with advected sculpts” by Seddon, LeTarte and Kirk

2012 Talks: Seddon_Wrath Of The Titans - Complex Models With Voxel Greeble

“Wrath of the Titans: complex models with voxel greeble” by Seddon, Zaveckas and Kirk

2012 Talks: Laffont_Rich Intrinsic Image Decomposition of Outdoor Scenes from Multiple Views

“Rich intrinsic image decomposition of outdoor scenes from multiple views” by Laffont, Bousseau and Drettakis

2012 Talks: Wexler_Intelligent Brush Strokes

“Intelligent brush strokes” by Wexler and Dezeustre

2012 Talks: Wang_Calligraphic Cutting: Extreme Image Resizing with Cuts in Continuous Domain

“Calligraphic cutting: extreme image resizing with cuts in continuous domain” by Wang and Akleman

2013 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Rainy rain raining” by O’Brien, Hemberger, Baadkar and Harrington

2013 Talks: Boyd_Lighting The Blue Umbrella

“Lighting the blue umbrella” by Boyd

2013 Talks: Carysforth_Vegetation on Monsters University

“Vegetation on Monsters University” by Carysforth, Elafifi, Fariss, Garcia, Rodriguez, et al. …

2013 Talks: Arumugam_Crowds at Monsters University

“Crowds at Monsters University” by Arumugam, Frederickson and Northrup

2013 Talks: Honsel_Creating a Monster: artistic and technical challenges

“Creating a Monster: artistic and technical challenges” by Honsel

2013 Talks: Albright_A Monster’s Guide to Cheating in GI Class

“A Monster’s Guide to Cheating in GI class” by Albright, Bashforth, Hoffman and Nguyen

“Parallel JavaScript: bringing the compute power of multi-core CPUs and GPUs to the world of web graphics” by Herhut, Hudson, Shpeisman and Sreeram

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