2000 Talks: Kameya_Bresenham Noise

“Bresenham Noise” by Kameya and Hart

2000 Talks: Burge_A Branching Cellular Texture Basis Function

“A Branching Cellular Texture Basis Function” by Burge

2000 Talks: Wyvill_Better Blending of Implicit Objects at Different Scales

“Better Blending of Implicit Objects at Different Scales” by Wyvill and Wyvill

2000 Talks: Codognet_Behavioral Animation by Constraint-Based Adaptive Search

“Behavioral Animation by Constraint-Based Adaptive Search” by Codognet

2000 Talks: Kakeya_Autostereoscopic Display with Real-Image Screen

“Autostereoscopic Display with Real-Image Screen” by Kakeya and Arakawa

2000 Talks: Chen_Artistic Renderings of Dynamic Motion

“Artistic Renderings of Dynamic Motion” by Chen, Knudtzon, Stumpfel and Hodgins

2000 Talks: Lee_3D Plenoptic Functions with Cylindrical Maps

“3D Plenoptic Functions with Cylindrical Maps” by Lee and Lee

2000 Talks: Campbell_4D Swathing to Automatically Inject Character into Animations

“4D Swathing to Automatically Inject Character into Animations” by Campbell, Dalton and Muller

2000 Talks: Slater_Acting Rehearsal in Virtual Reality

“Acting Rehearsal in Virtual Reality” by Slater, Steed, Howell, Pertaub and Garau

2000 Talks: Lu_Adaptive Visualization of Large Dynamic Non-Manifold Models

“Adaptive Visualization of Large Dynamic Non-Manifold Models” by Lu and Hammersley

2000 Talks: Yoshimori_Combination of Two- and Three-Dimensional Space for Solid Modeling

“Combination of Two-and Three-Dimensional Space for Solid Modeling” by Yoshimori, Matsumiya, Takemura and Yokoya

2000 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Clothing Simulations in “Shrek”” by Seneshen

2000 Talks: Bizri_“City of Brass:” Hieroglyphic Perceptions in Digital Cinema

““City of Brass:” Hieroglyphic Perceptions in Digital Cinema” by Bizri

2000 Talks: Tsiaras_Cephalic Visitors

“Cephalic Visitors” by Tsiaras and Reinhart

2000 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Camp SIGGRAPH” by Newton

2000 Talks: Quek_Bunshin: A Believable Avatar Surrogate for Both Scripted and On-the-Fly Pen-Based Control in a Presentation Environment

“Bunshin: A Believable Avatar Surrogate for Both Scripted and On-the-Fly Pen-Based Control in a Presentation Environment” by Quek, Yarger, Haciahmetoglu, Ohya, Kawato, et al. …

2000 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Building “Shrek’s” Natural Environment (Trees, Plants, and Grass)” by Peterson and Gibbs

2000 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Building A Digital Actor From The Inside, Out” by Reiss and Cantor

2000 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Bringing the Rock Monster to Life for “Galaxy Quest”” by Armstrong and Wirtz

2000 Talks: Smith_Building Usable Objects for Virtual Environments

“Building Usable Objects for Virtual Environments” by Smith and Duke

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