2017 Posters: Kim_Practical acquisition of translucent liquids using polarized transmission imaging

“Practical acquisition of translucent liquids using polarized transmission imaging” by Kim and Ghosh

2017 Posters: Guo_Realistic Procedural Plant Modeling Guided by 3D Point Cloud

“Realistic Procedural Plant Modeling Guided by 3D Point Cloud” by Guo, Cheng, Xu and Zhang

2020 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Robotic Surgical training simulation for dexterity training of hands and fingers (LESUR)” by Rasakatla, Mizuuchi and Indurkhya

2020 Posters: Yem_Sense of Agency in Drum Trainer with Multiple Sensation Feedback

“Sense of Agency in Drum Trainer with Multiple Sensation Feedback” by Yem, Miyashita, Amemiya, Kitazaki and Ikei

2020 Posters: Wu_A Feast for The Eyes: Representing Synesthesia through 3D Printed Artefacts

“A Feast for The Eyes: Representing Synesthesia through 3D Printed Artefacts” by Wu and Gingrich

2020 Posters: Schmidt_A CAD Interface for Drawing with Signed Distance Functions

“A CAD Interface for Drawing with Signed Distance Functions” by Schmidt

2020 Posters: Wang_An Art-Directed Workflow for Transferring Facial Action Coding Between Models with Different Mesh Topologies

“An Art-Directed Workflow for Transferring Facial Action Coding Between Models with Different Mesh Topologies” by Wang and Akleman

“Automated Physics Based Animation of Fonts” by Kumawat

2020 Posters: Phogat_Concurrent Editing of Vector Graphics using Similarity

“Concurrent Editing of Vector Graphics using Similarity” by Phogat, Batra and Fisher

2020 Posters: Dhanuka_Automatic Vector Graphic Organization and Asset Extraction

“Automatic Vector Graphic Organization and Asset Extraction” by Dhanuka, Batra, Phogat and Dhingra

2020 Posters: Bloom_Differential Diagnosis

“Differential Diagnosis An Interactive Course for Health Care Providers to Practice the Diagnostic Process of Young Children” by Bloom, Madden, Regier and Sidenstick

2020 Posters: Velich_Interactive and Smooth Parametrization-Based Quadrangulation

“Interactive and Smooth Parametrization-Based Quadrangulation” by Velich and Poranne

2020 Posters: Ikeda_Podiy: A Design and Production Support System for Pouch

“Podiy: A Design and Production Support System for Pouch” by Ikeda and Igarashi

2020 Posters: Yamaoka_Rapid and Shape-Changing Digital Fabrication Using Magnetic Thermoplastic Material

“Rapid and Shape-Changing Digital Fabrication Using Magnetic Thermoplastic Material” by Yamaoka

2020 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“An Augmented Reality C2 Sand Table Visualization atop An Advanced User Interface Display” by Croft, Clarkson, Voncolln, Campos, Patten, et al. …

2020 Posters: Morrison_Remote Empathetic Viewpoint: A Novel Approach To Extending Cubism

“Remote Empathetic Viewpoint: A Novel Approach To Extending Cubism” by Morrison and Akleman

2020 Posters: Oikawa_An Examination of Position Estimation of Virtual Objects Outside a Field of View Using Auditory Stimuli

“An Examination of Position Estimation of Virtual Objects Outside a Field of View Using Auditory Stimuli” by Oikawa, Kanari and Sato

2020 Posters: Ni_Scan2Avatar: Automatic Rigging for 3D Raw Human Scans

“Scan2Avatar: Automatic Rigging for 3D Raw Human Scans” by Ni, Luo, Zhang, Budagavi, Dickerson, et al. …

2020 Posters: Iwabuchi_Wanderlust into (y)our past: Mediating Intimacy for Prosocial Co-existing with Your Loved One in Home Quarantine

“Wanderlust into (y)our past: Mediating Intimacy for Prosocial Co-existing with Your Loved One in Home Quarantine” by Iwabuchi

2020 Posters: Kelvin_Procedural Generation of Roads with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

“Procedural Generation of Roads with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks” by Kelvin and Bhojan

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