2016 Posters: Ishikawa_Rusting and Corroding Simulation Taking into Account Chemical Reaction Processes

“Rusting and Corroding Simulation Taking into Account Chemical Reaction Processes” by Ishikawa, Kamata, Takeshima and Kakimoto

2016 Posters: Leimer_Relation-Based Parametrization and Exploration of Shape Collections

“Relation-Based Parametrization and Exploration of Shape Collections” by Leimer, Wimmer and Musialski

2016 Posters: Limberger_Real-time Rendering of High-quality Effects using Multi-frame Sampling

“Real-time Rendering of High-quality Effects using Multi-frame Sampling” by Limberger and Döllner

2016 Posters: Mokhov_Real-time Collection and Analysis of 3-Kinect v2 Skeleton Data in a Single Application

“Real-time Collection and Analysis of 3-Kinect v2 Skeleton Data in a Single Application” by Mokhov, Song, Llewellyn, Zhang, Charette, et al. …

2016 Posters: Chen_Real-time 3D rendering using depth-based geometry reconstruction and view-dependent texture mapping

“Real-time 3D rendering using depth-based geometry reconstruction and view-dependent texture mapping” by Chen, Bolas and Suma

2016 Posters: Huber_Real-time 3D Face Super-resolution From Monocular In-the-wild Videos

“Real-time 3D Face Super-resolution From Monocular In-the-wild Videos” by Huber, Christmas, Hilton, Kittler and Rätsch

2016 Posters: Lieng_Ray-traced diffusion points

“Ray-traced diffusion points” by Lieng

2016 Posters: Edum-Fotwe_Quick, Unconstrained, Approximate L-Shape Method

“Quick, Unconstrained, Approximate L-Shape Method” by Edum-Fotwe, Shepherd, Brown, Harper and Dinnis

2016 Posters: Chen_Parallel 3D Printing Based on Skeletal Remeshing

“Parallel 3D Printing Based on Skeletal Remeshing” by Chen, Yao, Lin and Lai

2016 Posters: LeGendre_Optimal LED Selection for Multispectral Lighting Reproduction

“Optimal LED Selection for Multispectral Lighting Reproduction” by LeGendre, Yu and Debevec

2016 Posters: Jorissen_Nonuniform Depth Distribution Selection with Discrete Fourier Transform

“Nonuniform Depth Distribution Selection with Discrete Fourier Transform” by Jorissen, Goorts, Lafruit and Bekaert

2016 Posters: Stuyck_Model Predictive Control for Robust Art-Directable Fluids

“Model Predictive Control for Robust Art-Directable Fluids” by Stuyck and Dutré

2016 Posters: Dobashi_Measuring Microstructures Using Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy for Estimating Surface Roughness

“Measuring Microstructures Using Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy for Estimating Surface Roughness” by Dobashi, Ijiri, Todo, Iwasaki, Okabe, et al. …

2016 Posters: Broad_Light Field Completion Using Focal Stack Propagation

“Light Field Completion Using Focal Stack Propagation” by Broad and Grierson

2016 Posters: Serrano_Intuitive Editing of Material Appearance

“Intuitive Editing of Material Appearance” by Serrano, Gutierrez, Myszkowski, Seidel and Masia

2016 Posters: Sik_Improving Global Exploration of MCMC Light Transport Simulation

“Improving Global Exploration of MCMC Light Transport Simulation” by Šik and Křivánek

2016 Posters: Sharma_Guessing Objects in Context

“Guessing Objects in Context” by Sharma, Kumar and Bhandarkar

2016 Posters: Fotwe_Fast, Accurate and Sparse, Automatic Facade Reconstruction from Unstructured Ground Laser-Scans

“Fast, Accurate and Sparse, Automatic Facade Reconstruction from Unstructured Ground Laser-Scans” by Edum-Fotwe, Shepherd, Brown, Harper and Dinnis

2016 Posters: Schvartzman_Example-based Data Optimization for Facial Simulation

“Example-based Data Optimization for Facial Simulation” by Schvartzman and Romeo

2016 Posters: Bang_Estimating Skeleton from Skin Data for Designing Subject-Specific Knee Braces

“Estimating Skeleton from Skin Data for Designing Subject-Specific Knee Braces” by Bang, Kim, Jang and Lee

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