2015 Posters: Wang_Rigid Fluid

“Rigid Fluid” by Wang and Olano

2015 Posters: Huang_Retargeting 3D Objects and Scenes

“Retargeting 3D Objects and Scenes” by Huang, Chen, Shen and Chen

2015 Posters: Camozzato_Procedural floor plan generation from building sketches

“Procedural floor plan generation from building sketches” by Camozzato, Dihl, Silveira, Marson and Musse

2015 Posters: Pabst_Jigsaw - Multi-Modal Big Data Management in Digital Film Production

“Jigsaw – Multi-Modal Big Data Management in Digital Film Production” by Pabst, Kim, Polok, Ila, Waine, et al. …

2015 Posters: Bang_Interactive Rigging

“Interactive Rigging” by Bang, Choi, Ribera, Kim, Lee, et al. …

2015 Posters: Knowles_Increasing realism of animated grass in real-time game environments

“Increasing realism of animated grass in real-time game environments” by Knowles and Fryazinov

2015 Posters: Friedman_Fully Automatic ID mattes with support for Motion Blur and Transparency

“Fully Automatic ID mattes with support for Motion Blur and Transparency” by Friedman and Jones

2015 Posters: Liu_Chinese Ink and Brush Painting with Reflections

“Chinese ink and brush painting with reflections” by Liu and Akleman

2015 Posters: Yamaguchi_BGMaker:Example-Based Anime Background Image Creation from a Photograph

“BGMaker:Example-Based Anime Background Image Creation from a Photograph” by Yamaguchi, Furusawa, Kato, Fukusato and Morishima

2015 Posters: Kagiyama_Automatic Synthesis of Eye and Head Animation According to Duration and Point of Gaze

“Automatic Synthesis of Eye and Head Animation According to Duration and Point of Gaze” by Kagiyama, Kawai, Kuwahara, Kato and Morishima

2015 Posters: Akleman_Art Directed Rendering & Shading Using Control Images

“Art Directed Rendering & Shading Using Control Images” by Akleman, Liu and House

2015 Posters: Sato_A music video authoring system synchronizing climax of video clips and

“A music video authoring system synchronizing climax of video clips and music via rearrangement of musical bars” by Sato, Hirai, Nakano, Goto and Morishima

2015 Posters: Yasumoto_VISTouch

“VISTouch” by Yasumoto and Teraoka

2015 Posters: HANAMITSU_Twech: A Mobile Platform to Search and Share Visuo-tactile Experiences

“Twech: A Mobile Platform to Search and Share Visuo-tactile Experiences” by Hanamitsu, Nakamura, Saraiji, Minamizawa and Tachi

2015 Posters: Sons_The XML3D Architecture

“The XML3D Architecture” by Sons, Klein, Sutter and Slusallek

2015 Posters: Krishnaswamy_Performance and Precision: Mobile solutions for high quality engineering drawings

“Performance and Precision: Mobile solutions for high quality engineering drawings” by Krishnaswamy

2015 Posters: Bumatay_Mobile Haptic System Design to Evoke Relaxation through Paced Breathing

“Mobile Haptic System Design to Evoke Relaxation through Paced Breathing” by Bumatay and Seo

2015 Posters: Park_Half Frame Forwarding:Frame-rate Up Conversion for Tiled Rendering GPU

“Half Frame Forwarding:Frame-rate Up Conversion for Tiled Rendering GPU” by Park, Kim, Ki, Seo and Shin

2015 Posters: Liu_G-Spacing: a Gyro Sensor Based Relative 3D Space Positioning Scheme

“G-Spacing: a Gyro Sensor Based Relative 3D Space Positioning Scheme” by Liu, Lin, Sun, Cheng and Hsu

2015 Posters: Jiao_Dynamic Fur on Mobile using Textured Offset Surfaces

“Dynamic Fur on Mobile using Textured Offset Surfaces” by Jiao, Tong, Li and Li

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