2015 Posters: Brose_Tracking Water Droplets Under Descent and Deformation

“Tracking Water Droplets Under Descent and Deformation” by Brose, Thuo and Sheaffer

2015 Posters: Kilgo_Toward Validation of a Monte Carlo Rendering Technique

“Toward Validation of a Monte Carlo Rendering Technique” by Kilgo and Tessendorf

2015 Posters: Narita_Texture Preserving Garment Transfer

“Texture Preserving Garment Transfer” by Narita, Saito, Kato, Fukusato and Morishima

2015 Posters: Inacio_Reducing Geometry-Processing Overhead for Novel Viewpoint Creation

“Reducing Geometry-Processing Overhead for Novel Viewpoint Creation” by Inácio and Springer

2015 Posters: Sekijima_Reconfigurable Three-Dimensional Prototype System Using Digital Materials

“Reconfigurable Three-Dimensional Prototype System Using Digital Materials” by Sekijima and Tanaka

2015 Posters: Zhang_Reassembling 3D Thin Shells using Integrated Template Guidance and Fracture Region Matching

“Reassembling 3D Thin Shells using Integrated Template Guidance and Fracture Region Matching” by Zhang, Yu, Manhein, Waggenspack Jr. and Li

2015 Posters: Kubo_Real-time Rendering of Subsurface Scattering according to Translucency Magnitude

“Real-time Rendering of Subsurface Scattering according to Translucency Magnitude” by Kubo, Tokoi and Mukaigawa

2015 Posters: Blenkhorn_Real-Time Rendering of Atmospheric Glories

“Real-Time Rendering of Atmospheric Glories” by Blenkhorn

2015 Posters: Hiraki_Phygital Field: Integrated Field with Visible Images and Robot Swarm Controlled by Invisible Images

“Phygital Field: Integrated Field with Visible Images and Robot Swarm Controlled by Invisible Images” by Hiraki, Takahashi, Goto, Fukushima and Naemura

2015 Posters: HASHIMOTO_Photometric Compensation for Practical and Complex Textures

“Photometric Compensation for Practical and Complex Textures” by Hashimoto and Kosaka

2015 Posters: Sugita_Paint-like Compositing Based on RYB Color Model

“Paint-like Compositing Based on RYB Color Model” by Sugita and Takahashi

2015 Posters: Hafner_Optimization of Natural Frequencies for Fabrication-Aware Shape Modeling

“Optimization of Natural Frequencies for Fabrication-Aware Shape Modeling” by Hafner, Musialski, Auzinger, Wimmer and Kobbelt

2015 Posters: Kajita_OpaqueLusion: Opaque Mid-air Images using Dynamic Mask for Occlusion Expression

“OpaqueLusion: Opaque Mid-air Images using Dynamic Mask for Occlusion Expression” by Kajita, Koizumi and Naemura

2015 Posters: Wang_Non-Diffuse Effects for Point-Based Global Illumination

“Non-Diffuse Effects for Point-Based Global Illumination” by Wang, Meng and Boubekeur

2015 Posters: Kato_Musasabi: 2D/3D intuitive and detailed visualization system for the forest

“Musasabi: 2D/3D intuitive and detailed visualization system for the forest” by Kato, Kato, Okamura, Kanai, Suzuki, et al. …

2015 Posters: Yamamoto_Mid-air Plus: A 2.5 D Cross-sectional Mid-air Display with Transparency Control

“Mid-air Plus: A 2.5 D Cross-sectional Mid-air Display with Transparency Control” by Yamamoto, Kajita, Kim, Koizumi and Naemura

“Inferring Gaze Shifts from Captured Body Motion” by Rakita, Pejsa, Mutlu and Gleicher

2015 Posters: Toisoul_Image Based Relighting using Room Lighting Basis

“Image Based Relighting using Room Lighting Basis” by Ghosh and Toisoul

2015 Posters: Jiang_Freeform Honeycomb Structures and Lobel Frames

“Freeform Honeycomb Structures and Lobel Frames” by Jiang, Tang, Wang, Wallner and Pottmann

2015 Posters: Andreadis_Fractured 3D Object Restoration and Completion

“Fractured 3D Object Restoration and Completion” by Andreadis, Gregor, Sipiran, Mavridis, Papaioannou, et al. …

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