2012 Posters: Wang_Turning Photographs into Abstract Expressionist Paintings

“Turning photographs into abstract expressionist paintings” by Wang and Akleman

2012 Posters: Neumann_High Detail Marker based 3D Reconstruction by Enforcing Multiview Constraints

“High detail marker based 3D reconstruction by enforcing multiview constraints” by Neumann, Wacker, Varanasi, Theobalt and Magnor

2012 Posters Zheng Patching of Moving Objects for Ghosting free HDR Synthesis 01

“Patching of moving objects for ghosting-free HDR synthesis” by Zheng, Li, Zhu, Wu and Rahardja

2012 Posters: Birklbauer_Panorama Light-Field Imaging

“Panorama light-field imaging” by Birklbauer and Bimber

2012 Posters Masia Perceptually Optimized Content Remapping for Automultiscopic Displays 01

“Perceptually-optimized content remapping for automultiscopic displays” by Masia, Wetzstein, Aliaga, Raskar and Gutierrez

2012 Posters: Graham_Measurement-Based Synthesis of Facial Microgeometry

“Measurement-based synthesis of facial microgeometry” by Graham, Tonwattanapong, Busch, Yu, Jones, et al. …

2012 Posters: SAKAMOTO_Effective Global Prediction for Dense Light-Field Compression by Using Synthesized Multi-focus Images

“Effective global prediction for dense light-field compression by using synthesized multi-focus images” by Sakamoto, Kodama and Hamamoto

2012 Posters: Zhu_Estimating Diffusion Parameters from Polarized Spherical Gradient Illumination

“Estimating diffusion parameters from polarized spherical gradient illumination” by Zhu, Peers, Debevec and Ghosh

2012 Posters Wildfellner Focus Tracking for Cinematography 03

“Focus tracking for cinematography” by Wildfellner

2012 Posters Gu Guided Tone Mapping 0

“Guided tone mapping” by Gu, Wang, Meng, Xiang and Pan

2012 Posters Fukusato Hair Motion Capturing from Multiple View Videos 01

“Hair motion capturing from multiple view videos” by Fukusato, Iwamoto, Kunitomo, Suda and Morishima

2012 Posters: Guarnera_Estimating Specular Normals from Spherical Stokes Reflectance Fields

“Estimating specular normals from spherical Stokes reflectance fields” by Guarnera, Peers, Debevec and Ghosh

2012 Posters: Marwah_Compressive Light Field Photography

“Compressive light field photography” by Marwah, Wetzstein, Veeraraghavan and Raskar

2012 Posters: MITANI_CosmicAI: Generating Sky Backgrounds Through Content-Based Search and Flexible Composition

“CosmicAI: generating sky backgrounds through content-based search and flexible composition” by Mitani and Fujishiro

2012 Posters Wang Calligraphic Cutting Extreme Image Resizing with Cuts in Continuous Domain 01

“Calligraphic Cutting: extreme image resizing with cuts in continuous domain” by Wang and Akleman

2012 Posters: Ganacim_Base Mesh Construction using Global Parametrization

“Base mesh construction using global parametrization” by Ganacim, Maximo and Velho

2012 Posters Lin De aging High Resolution 3D Facial Models by Example Driven Mesh Deformation 01

“De-aging high-resolution 3D facial models by example-driven mesh deformation” by Lin, Hwang, Yeh and Ouhyoung

2012 Posters: TAZOE_Facial aging simulator considering geometry and patch-tiled texture

“Facial aging simulator considering geometry and patch-tiled texture” by Tazoe, Gohara, Maejima and Morishima

2012 Posters Iwao Analysis and Synthesis of Realistic Eye Movement in Face to face Communication 01

“Analysis and synthesis of realistic eye movement in face-to-face communication” by Iwao, Mima, Kubo, Maejima and Morishima

2012 Posters Marfia Technoculture of Handcraft Fine Gesture Recognition for Haute Couture Skills Preservation and Transfer in Italy 01

“Technoculture of handcraft: fine gesture recognition for haute couture skills preservation and transfer in Italy” by Marfia, Roccetti, Matteucci and Marcomini

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