2011 Poster Mcnamara Seams to make no difference 01

“”Seams” to make no difference” by McNamara, Parke and Sanford

2011 Poster Wang A Framework for GPU 3D Model Reconstruction Using Structure from Motion 01

“A framework for GPU 3d model reconstruction using structure-from-motion” by Wang and Olano

2011 Poster Suchow Background motion silences awareness of foreground change 01

“Background motion silences awareness of foreground change”

2011 Poster Chang Content Aware Display Adaptation and Editing for Stereoscopic Images 01

“Content-aware display adaptation and editing for stereoscopic images” by Chang, Liang and Chuang

2011 Poster Matsui Interactive Manga Retargeting 01

“Interactive Manga retargeting” by Matsui, Yamasaki and Aizawa

2011 Poster Wang Gradient Domain HDR Compositing [Extended Abstract] 04

“Gradient domain HDR compositing” by Wang and Davis

2011 Poster Ancuti Enhancing Underwater Images by Fusion 01

“Enhancing underwater images by fusion” by Ancuti, Ancuti, Haber and Bekaert

2011 Poster Birklbauer Display Pixel Caching 01

“Display pixel caching” by Birklbauer, Liu, Bimber, Grosse and Grundhöfer

2011 Poster Swirski Layered Photo Pop Up 01

“Layered photo pop-up” by Swirski, Richardt and Dodgson

2011 Poster Chapiro Filter Based Deghosting for Exposure Fusion Video 01

“Filter based deghosting for exposure fusion video” by Chapiro, Cicconet and Velho

2011 Poster Nakatsuma Touch Interface on Back of the Hand 01

“Touch interface on back of the hand” by Nakatsuma, Shinoda, Makino, Sato and Maeno

2011 Poster Miller Towards a Computer Vision Shader Language 01

“Towards a computer vision shader language”

2011 Poster Ramachandra 3D editing tools for stereo images 01

“3D editing tools for stereo images” by Ramachandra, Atanassov and Goma

2011 Poster Birklbauer Light Field Retargeting with Focal Stack Seam Carving 01

“Light-field retargeting with focal stack seam carving” by Birklbauer and Bimber

2011 Poster Liu Stereoscopic Media Editing based on 3D Cinematography Principles 01

“Stereoscopic media editing based on 3D cinematography principles” by Liu, Huang, Chang, Lee, Liang, et al. …

2011 Poster Kato iPvlc Pixel level Visible Light Communication for Smart Mobile Devices 01

“iPvlc: pixel-level visible light communication for smart mobile devices” by Kato, Fukasawa and Naemura

2011 Poster Imamura HAPMAP Haptic Walking Navigation System with Support by the Sense of Handrail 01

“HAPMAP: haptic walking navigation system with support by the sense of handrail” by Imamura, Arakawa, Kamuro, Minamizawa and Tachi

2011 Poster Zhu E Letter A Paper based Instant Messaging System Using Selective Wireless Power Transfer 04

“E-letter: a paper-based instant messaging system using selective wireless power transfer” by Zhu, Nii, Fernando and Cheok

2011 Poster Yagi Media Cushion Soft interface to control living environment using human natural behavior 01

“Media cushion: soft interface to control living environment using human natural behavior” by Yagi, Kobayashi, Kashiwagi, Uriu and Okude

2011 Poster Ohtani Comparison of front touch and back touch while using transparent double sided touch display 01

“Comparison of front touch and back touch while using transparent double-sided touch display” by Ohtani, Hashida, Kakehi and Naemura

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