2023 Poster: Petkov_Guided Training of NeRFs for Medical Volume Rendering

“Guided Training of NeRFs for Medical Volume Rendering” by Petkov

2023 Poster: Agata_Computational Design of Nebuta-like Paper-on-Wire Artworks

“Computational Design of Nebuta-like Paper-on-Wire Artworks” by Agata, Qi, Noma, Shen and Igarashi

2023 Poster: Talukdar_Learning to Simulate Crowds with Crowds

“Learning to Simulate Crowds with Crowds” by Talukdar, Zhang and Weiss

2023 Poster: Watanabe_Improved Projective Dynamics Global Solves Using Snapshots-based Reduced Basis

“Improved Automatic Colorization by Optimal Pre-colorization” by Watanabe, Shinagawa, Funatomi, Maejima, Mukaigawa, et al. …

2023 Poster: Lin_Palette-Based Colorization for Vector Icons

“Palette-Based Colorization for Vector Icons” by Lin, Shen, Chin, Chen and Chen

2023 Poster: Jiao_Photo-Realistic Streamable Free-Viewpoint Video

“Photo-Realistic Streamable Free-Viewpoint Video” by Jiao

2023 Poster: Tseng_SegAnimeChara: Segmenting Anime Characters Generated by AI

“sPellorama: An Immersive Prototyping Tool using Generative Panorama and Voice-to-Prompts” by Chen, Jie Then, Huang, Chen, Han, et al. …

2023 Poster: Campbell_VirtualVoxel: Real-Time Large Scale Scene Visualization and Modification

“VirtualVoxel: Real-Time Large Scale Scene Visualization and Modification” by Campbell and Yang

2023 Poster: Watanabe_Improved Projective Dynamics Global Solves Using Snapshots-based Reduced Basis

“Improved Projective Dynamics Global Solves Using Snapshots-based Reduced Basis” by Watanabe, Shinagawa, Funatomi, Maejima, Mukaigawa, et al. …

2023 Poster: Reynolds_Camouflage via Coevolution of Predator and Prey

“Camouflage via Coevolution of Predator and Prey” by Reynolds

2023 Poster: Verheydt_Down the Rabbit Hole: Experiencing Alice in Wonderland Syndrome through Virtual Reality

“Down the Rabbit Hole: Experiencing Alice in Wonderland Syndrome through Virtual Reality” by Verheydt, Staben, Carncross and Minear

2023 Poster: Meza_The use of Containers in OpenGL, ML and HPC for Teaching and Research Support

“The use of Containers in OpenGL, ML and HPC for Teaching and Research Support” by Meza, Llewellyn, Mokhov, Daradkeh and Roper

2023 Poster: Baron_Toward Efficient Capture of Spatially Varying Material Properties

“Toward Efficient Capture of Spatially Varying Material Properties” by Baron, Patterson and Dupuy

2023 Poster: Yoshimoto_Fabrication of Edible lenticular lens

“Fabrication of Edible lenticular lens” by Yoshimoto, Kasahara and Miyashita

2023 Poster: Wu_Tidd: Augmented Tabletop Interaction Supports Children with Autism to Train Daily Living Skills

“Tidd: Augmented Tabletop Interaction Supports Children with Autism to Train Daily Living Skills” by Wu, Wang, Liu, Cao, Xu, et al. …

2023 Poster: Nogueira_"F O R M S” – Creating new visual perceptions of dance movement

“”F O R M S” – Creating new visual perceptions of dance movement” by Nogueira, Menezes and Simões

2023 Poster: Lutfallah_Redirected Walking in Overlapping Rooms

“Redirected Walking in Overlapping Rooms” by Lutfallah, Hirt, Gorobets, Gregor and Kunz

2023 Poster: Dickman_Smart Scaling: A Hybrid Deep-Learning Approach to Content-Aware Image Retargeting

“Smart Scaling: A Hybrid Deep-Learning Approach to Content-Aware Image Retargeting” by Dickman

2023 Poster: Tseng_SegAnimeChara: Segmenting Anime Characters Generated by AI

“SegAnimeChara: Segmenting Anime Characters Generated by AI” by Tseng, Wang and Chen

2023 Poster: Ahmed_Image Printing on Stones, Wood, and More

“Image Printing on Stones, Wood, and More” by Ahmed

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