2021 Posters: Shimizu_Goshuin 2.0: Construction of the World’s Largest Goshuin Dataset and Automatic Generation System of Goshuin with Neural Style Transfer

“Goshuin 2.0: Construction of theWorld’s Largest Goshuin Dataset and Automatic Generation System of Goshuin with Neural Style Transfer” by Shimizu, Minagawa, Morris, Meza and Ochiai

2021 Posters: Yamamoto_TeraFoils: Design and Rapid Fabrication Techniques for Binary Holographic Structures in the Terahertz Region

“TeraFoils: Design and Rapid Fabrication Techniques for Binary Holographic Structures in the Terahertz Region” by Yamamoto, Namikawa and Ochiai

2021 Posters: Endo_A Suggestive Interface for Designing Dance Formations

“A Suggestive Interface for Designing Dance Formations” by Endo, Noh, Nakashima, Yang and Igarashi

2021 Posters: Capdeville_Quantum Nodes: Quantum Computing Applied to 3D Modeling

“Quantum Nodes: Quantum Computing Applied to 3D Modeling” by Capdeville, Gautier, Pinguet, Olart, Tassin, et al. …

2021 Posters: Arano_Dynamic Projection Mapping for Silkworms

“Dynamic Projection Mapping for Silkworms” by Arano and Morimoto

2021 Posters: Mandal_Scalable Visual Simulation of Ductile and Brittle Fracture

“Scalable Visual Simulation of Ductile and Brittle Fracture” by Mandal, Chaudhuri and Chaudhuri

2021 Posters: Sueyoshi_Interactive DPM for Thin Plants with the Latency Measurement

“Interactive DPM for Thin Plants with the Latency Measurement” by Sueyoshi and Morimoto

2021 Posters: Yoshimura_Adaptive Radiometric Compensation on Deforming Surfaces

“Adaptive Radiometric Compensation on Deforming Surfaces” by Yoshimura and Hashimoto

2021 Posters: Xu_WhiteStone: A Tangible interactive device for revitalizing Qiang language and culture

“WhiteStone: A Tangible interactive device for revitalizing Qiang language and culture” by Xu, Wu and Wu

2021 Posters: Akleman_Caricature Creation with Conformal Mapping in Complex Domain

“Caricature Creation with Conformal Mapping in Complex Domain” by Akleman and Akgun

2021 Posters: Vielma_Animated Futurist Sculpting as Dynamic Implicit Shapes

“Animated Futurist Sculpting as Dynamic Implicit Shapes” by Vielma and Akleman

2021 Posters: Khademi_View Synthesis In Casually Captured Scenes Using a Cylindrical Neural Radiance Field With Exposure Compensation

“View Synthesis In Casually Captured Scenes Using a Cylindrical Neural Radiance Field With Exposure Compensation” by Khademi and Ventura

2021 Posters: Ash_Reflectance Estimation for Free-viewpoint Video

“Reflectance Estimation for Free-viewpoint Video” by Ash, Tomori, Pelton and Dupont

2021 Posters: Hirose_Balanced Glass Design: A flavor perception changing system by controlling the center-of-gravity

“Balanced Glass Design: A flavor perception changing system by controlling the center-of-gravity” by Hirose and Inami

2021 Posters: Gadgil_PanoSynthVR: View Synthesis From A Single Input Panorama with Multi-Cylinder Images

“PanoSynthVR: View Synthesis From A Single Input Panorama with Multi-Cylinder Images” by Gadgil, John, Zollmann and Ventura

2021 Posters: Bird_GPGPU Accelerated Flow Diagrams

“GPGPU Accelerated Flow Diagrams” by Bird and Laycock

2021 Posters: Watanabe_Light-field Projection for Tangible Projection Mapping

“Light-field Projection for Tangible Projection Mapping” by Watanabe and Hashimoto

2021 Posters: Embareck_Procedural real time live drawing animation

“Procedural real time live drawing animation” by Lioret, Embareck, Boutet and Cantet

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