2000 Panels 09 Emotional Simulator The Tears and Fears

“Emotional Simulator: The Tears and Fears of Creating a Compelling Simulated Experience for Both Entertainment and Training” by Dyke, Lindheim, Macedonia, Pausch and Trowbridge

2000 Panels 08 Exploring New Roles for Interactive Virtual Characters

“Exploring New Roles for Interactive Virtual Characters” by Berry, Friedlander, Marinelli and Pinhanez

2000 Panels 07 Understanding the Past Computer Graphics

“Understanding the Past: Computer Graphics and Archaeology” by Brown, Debevec, Jakavula and Rushmeier

2000 Panels 06 The Healing Powers of Virtual Reality

“The Healing Powers of Virtual Reality” by Hodges, Hoffman, Rizzo, Strickland and Watson

2000 Panels 05 How Free is Free Software

“How Free is Free Software” by Gritz, Hibbard, Lorensen, Schroeder and Tiemann

2000 Panels 04 No Art Jargon!

“No Art Jargon!” by Brown, Beloff, Galloway and Stern

2000 Panels 03 Digital Cel Animation in Japan

“Digital Cel Animation in Japan” by Arias, Horry and Momose

2000 Panels 02 Computer and Video Games

“Computer and Video Games: The Next Generation” by Bradshaw, Hershey, Jenkins, Mallinson and Weaver

2000 Panels 01 Rich for the Web

“Rich Media for the Web” by Mantle, Rogers, Siegel and Tuttle

2001 Panels 18 Art in Space What For?

“Art in Space: What For?” by Krueger, Lisowsky, Peljhan and Soloman

2001 Panels 17 Internet Appliances New Horizons for the Web

“Internet Appliances: New Horizons for the Web” by Abowd, Blackley, Libbey, Luan and Mantle

2001 Panels 16 Game Stories Simulation Narrative Addiction

“Game-Stories: Simulation, Narrative, Addiction” by Herz, Jenkins, Murray, Pearce, Perlin, et al. …

2001 Panels 15 Immersed in Anxiety or a Process to Healing

“Immersed in Anxiety or a Process to Healing? VR Meets Mental Health” by Hodges, Hoffman, Rizzo, Schultheis, Strickland, et al. …

2001 Panels 14 Newtons Nightmare Reality Meets Faux Physics

“Newton’s Nightmare: Reality Meets Faux Physics” by Pai, Roble, Rushmeier, Szeliski and Terzopoulos

2001 Panels 13 Beyond Copyright The Brave New World of Digital Rights Management

“Beyond Copyright: The Brave New World of Digital Rights Management” by Burk, Ellis, Neville, Simons and Stein

2001 Panels 12 Designing Understanding and Operating Complex Human Machine Systems

“Designing, Understanding, and Operating Complex Human-Machine Systems” by Buxton, Chien, Miller, Molloy and Zeltzer

2001 Panels 11 Traditional Skills New Tools

“Traditional Skills, New Tools” by Sito, Chan, Scoredos, Hourvat and Markowski

2001 Panels 10 The CAVE and Beyond VR Art in Museums and Galleries

“The CAVE and Beyond: VR Art in Museums and Galleries” by Cox, Hörtner, Sandin, Sermon and Shaw

2001 Panels 09 VIPs Virtually Invented People

“VIPs: Virtually Invented People” by Burgess, Hayes-Roth, Sirius, Vetter and Waters

2001 Panels 08 Non-Linear Animation for Production

“Non-Linear Animation for Production” by Anzovin, Isner, Cameron, Lavigne, Punchatz, et al. …

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