1993 Panels 08 Urban Tech-gap

“Panel: Urban Tech-gap: Museum and University Liaisons-A New Electronic Bridge” Moderated by

1993 Panels 07 The Application of Evolutionary and Biological Processes to Computer Art and Animation

“Panel: The Application of Evolutionary and Biological Processes to Computer Art and Animation” Moderated by

1994 Panels 16 Is Visualization Really Necessary

“Panel: Is Visualization Really Necessary? The Role of Visualization in Science, Engineering, and Medicine” Moderated by

1994 Panels 15 Reading the Fine Print - What Benchmarks Don't Tell You

“Panel: Reading the Fine Print – What Benchmarks Don’t Tell You” Moderated by

1994 Panels 14 Determinants of lmmersivity in Virtual Reality - Graphics vs. Action

“Panel: Determinants of immersivity in Virtual Reality – Graphics vs. Action” Moderated by

1994 Panels 13 Computer Technology and the Artistic Process - How the Computer Industry

“Panel: Computer Technology and the Artistic Process – How the Computer Industry Changes the Form and Function of Art” Moderated by

1994 Panels 12 Why is JD Interaction So Hard, and What Can We Really Do About It

“Panel: Why is JD Interaction So Hard, and What Can We Really Do About It?” Moderated by

1994 Panels 11 Computer Graphics for Architecture and Design Presentations - Current Work and Trends Outside the U.S

“Computer Graphics for Architecture and Design Presentations – Current Work and Trends Outside the U.S.” Moderated by Alonzo C. Addison

1993 Panels 06 How to Lie and Confuse with Visualization

“How to Lie and Confuse with Visualization” Moderated by

1993 Panels 05 Visualizing Environmental Data Sets

“Visualizing Environmental Data Sets” Moderated by

1994 Panels 10 Computer Graphics - Are We Forcing People to Evolve

“Computer Graphics – Are We Forcing People to Evolve?” Moderated by

1994 Panels 09 Art and Technology- Very Large Scale Integration

“Art and Technology- Very Large Scale Integration” Moderated by

1994 Panels 08 Information Visualization - The Next Frontier

“Information Visualization – The Next Frontier” Moderated by

1994 Panels 07 Optimization -An Emerging Tool in Computer Graphics

“Optimization – An Emerging Tool in Computer Graphics” Moderated by

1994 Panels 06 Exploiting Networks for Visualization and Collaboration - No Network Roadblocks

“Exploiting Networks for Visualization and Collaboration – No Network Roadblocks?” Moderated by

1997 Panels 16 Experiences with Virtual Reality Applications

“Experiences with Virtual Reality Applications” Moderated by William(Bill) Sherman

1997 Panels 08 What 3D API for Java Should I Use and Why

“What 3D API for Java Should I Use and Why?” Moderated by Dave (David) R. Nadeau

1997 Panels 15 The Rhetoric of the Synthetic

“The Rhetoric of the Synthetic: Images of the Body in Technology, Business, and Culture” Moderated by Lorne Falk

1997 Panels 06 The Differences Between Here and There

“The Differences Between Here and There: What Graphic Design Brings to E-Spacepane” Moderated by Lisa Koonts

1997 Panels 13 Sounding Off on Audio

“Sounding Off on Audio: The Future of Internet Sound” Moderated by Paul Godwin

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